James Sullivan, Civil War Soldier
James Sullivan, Civil War Soldier
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
James Sullivan
Born in Chicopee. Son of {Unknown}. By occupation a Hostler. At the age of 20 enlisted on 17 Feb’y, 1864, for 3 years, in the 25th Reg. N.Y. Cavalry Vol’s, Company “D”._Mustered into the service on March 14, 1864. Rank Private._Single.
He joined his Reg. having enlisted in N.Y. City, in its camp on Riker’s Island. Thence he moved with his Reg. to Saratoga, N.Y. Here on the 7th March, after having been in camp but a few weeks, he was taken ill and was transferred to the Regimental Hospital. After an illness of three days he died. His comrade Churchill, who enlisted with him, was furloughed, in order to convey his remains to Springfield, Mass. Here they were interred
Refer Page 384. It regards dates the difference somewhat from that on P. 384. These statements were {???} by Cap. F.A. Churchill, a comrade of Sullivans.
Born in Chicopee. Son of {Unknown}. By occupation a Hostler. At the age of 20 enlisted on 17 Feb’y, 1864, for 3 years, in the 25th Reg. N.Y. Cavalry Vol’s, Company “D”._Mustered into the service on March 14, 1864. Rank Private._Single.
He joined his Reg. having enlisted in N.Y. City, in its camp on Riker’s Island. Thence he moved with his Reg. to Saratoga, N.Y. Here on the 7th March, after having been in camp but a few weeks, he was taken ill and was transferred to the Regimental Hospital. After an illness of three days he died. His comrade Churchill, who enlisted with him, was furloughed, in order to convey his remains to Springfield, Mass. Here they were interred
Refer Page 384. It regards dates the difference somewhat from that on P. 384. These statements were {???} by Cap. F.A. Churchill, a comrade of Sullivans.
Soldier's Record, Town of Chicopee
ca. 1861-1865
Public Domain
Chicopee (Mass.)
“James Sullivan, Civil War Soldier,” Chicopee Archives Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://chicopeepubliclibrary.org/archives/items/show/2473.