Patrick Farley, Civil War Soldier


Patrick Farley, Civil War Soldier


United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865


Patrick Farley
Born in Ireland,_Son of Charles Farley,_by occupation a Laborer,_Married,_at the age of 21 enlisted for three years in the 18th Regiment of Infantry, Mass. Vols._Company K._
Mustered into service August 23, 1861 at Readville, Mass. Where the regiment camped for organization.
August 26, 1861, the regiment started for Washington D.C._In that city, encamped two days_September 3rd; crossed the Potomac, were assigned to Gen. F.G. Porter’s division, encamped near Fort Corcoran, and engaged in drilling and working on entrenchments._September 26th, the regiment moved forward with the division and took position at Hall’s Hill, where through the fall and winter they performed outpost duty.
In the latter part of the winter, the Government called for volunteers to man the gunboats on the Western rivers. Farley offered himself, and was accordingly transferred, February 17th; 1862. At Cairo, Ill. He was assigned to duty on one of the mortar boats, and in that service participated in several of the important expeditions down the Mississippi. Took part in the sieges at Island No. 10,-fort Pillow, and Memphis. From Memphis he was sent back on a captured rebel gunboat at Cairo, and sent for service on the Tennessee River.
In November, 1862, he was sick on board the receiving ship at Cairo.
His last letter to his father was dated December 10, 1862. He then wrote that he had been dangerously sick, had obtained a furlough of four months and was trying to reach home when he was robbed of all his money. His father immediately sent him some money, but it was never heard from, and no other tidings ever came of him.


Soldier's Record, Town of Chicopee


ca. 1861-1865


Public Domain




Chicopee (Mass.)






“Patrick Farley, Civil War Soldier,” Chicopee Archives Online, accessed March 10, 2025,