David Gleason, Civil War Soldier
David Gleason, Civil War Soldier
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
David Gleason
Born in Ireland_Son of David Gleason_by occupation a Cooker_Single_At the age of 22 on Aug. 5, 1862, enlisted for 3 years in the 1st Reg. Massachusetts Vol. Cavalry_Mustered same date, and assigned to Company “H”.
He participated with his Reg. in the following engagements: Kelly’s Ford, Aldie, Uppervile, Auburn, {Briolow} Station, {Salphere} {Sthip}, 1st & 2d Fredericksburgh, Kettle Run, and the oeprations in the Wilderness. Was never wounded, was ill four months from {???} {???} by a fall from his horse, during which time he was in the Finley Hosptial, Washington. He took part also in many of the skirmishes of his Reg.
Gleason is reported to have been a good soldier.
Discharged 7th Novr, 1864.
Died in Chicopee June 17, 1894
Born in Ireland_Son of David Gleason_by occupation a Cooker_Single_At the age of 22 on Aug. 5, 1862, enlisted for 3 years in the 1st Reg. Massachusetts Vol. Cavalry_Mustered same date, and assigned to Company “H”.
He participated with his Reg. in the following engagements: Kelly’s Ford, Aldie, Uppervile, Auburn, {Briolow} Station, {Salphere} {Sthip}, 1st & 2d Fredericksburgh, Kettle Run, and the oeprations in the Wilderness. Was never wounded, was ill four months from {???} {???} by a fall from his horse, during which time he was in the Finley Hosptial, Washington. He took part also in many of the skirmishes of his Reg.
Gleason is reported to have been a good soldier.
Discharged 7th Novr, 1864.
Died in Chicopee June 17, 1894
Soldier's Record, Town of Chicopee
ca. 1861-1865
Public Domain
Chicopee (Mass.)
“David Gleason, Civil War Soldier,” Chicopee Archives Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://chicopeepubliclibrary.org/archives/items/show/2617.