Timothy T. Manning, Civil War Soldier


Timothy T. Manning, Civil War Soldier


United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865


Timothy T. Manning
Born in County Kerry, Ireland_Son of {Thos.} Manning_by occupation a Book-Keeper_at age of 28 enlisted for 3 years in the 37th Reg. Mass. Vol’s, Infantry, Company “K”. Mustered into the service as Private 20 Aug., 1862. Married.
Participated in all the marches, campaigns and battles of the Regiment till May 6, 1864. Was engaged in the following actions: 1st and 2d Fredericksburgh fights, Gettysburg, Rappahannock Station, {Mine} Run, and the Wilderness. In the {Second} day’s fight in the Wilderness, on May 6, 1864, received a gun-shot wound in his left clavicle, and was captured by the rebels. Remained in the field-hospital of the enemy till 3d June when he was transferred to Lynchburgh, Va., where he remained till 22 Sept., at which time he was taken to Richmond. On the 24 Sept. was paroled. Arrived at Annapolis, Md., 26 Sept. and was placed in Camp Parole Hospital where he continued till 26th Nov. From 6 Nov to 15th he was in a furlough of 9 days, and visited Chicopee. On the expiration of his furlough reported back at Hospital Reid {assumed} furlough from 10 Jan. 1865 to 16 Feb.
The wound rec’d on May 6, was of such a nature as completely to disable his left arm; consequently, he was discharged from service on 7th March, 1865. Arrived in Chicopee 10 March. During his entire term of service was never sick. While at Camp Parole Hospital performed duty as Clerk in the office of the Surgeon in charge for 6 weeks while in the hands of the rebels, he was treated with considerable kindness. {Friends}, when he found at Lynchburgh, {so much} {relied} the rigors of his confinement.


Soldier's Record, Town of Chicopee


ca. 1861-1865


Public Domain




Chicopee (Mass.)






“Timothy T. Manning, Civil War Soldier,” Chicopee Archives Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://chicopeepubliclibrary.org/archives/items/show/2688.