David M. Donaldson, Civil War Soldier


David M. Donaldson, Civil War Soldier


United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865


David M. Donaldson
Born in {Ryegate}, Vt._Son of George Donaldson,_by occupation a Manufacturer,_Married,_at the age of 25 enlisted for three years in the 37th Regiment of Infantry, Mass. Vols._Company A._
Mustered into service September 4, 1862, and was appointed Orderly Sergeant.
In November, 1862 he was sick and entered Fairfax Seminary Hospital; was afterwards transferred to Fort {Schuyles} Hospital, N.Y._Returned to duty in the regiment Jan 24, 1863.
Except when abscent from his Reg. in account of illness or furlough, or because eo fdetached duty herein after specified, Donaldson participated in the seasonal campaigns of the 37th, being present in the following engagements: Salem Heights, {Mayes} Hill, Gettysburg, {Mine} River, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburgh, Ft.{ Athens}, Charleston, {Opequan} {Hatcha}’s River, Ft. Fisher, Petersburgh and {Saylor}’s Creek. In the battle of {Aopequair}, in the Shenandoah, Sept. 19, 1864, he was wounded through the left side by a minii ball. On account of this wound, he rec’d from the {???} U.S. Gen. Hospital a furlough of 20 days, and visited Chicopee. He took part in the closing campaigns against Richmond. At the battle of Ft. Fisher, Mar. 25, 1865, he had command of a detail of forty (40) men of his Reg. employed on the skirmish line, and because of his good management of the men on this duty, he rec’d the {complimentary} action of the general Commanding. {Aft}. 2, 1865, he {???} directed to recon the {???} which precluded the successful advance of {???}. With twenty men he succeeded in performing this perilous duty.
He retained his grade as 1st Sergeant till Nov. 1 1864, when he was commissioned as 2d Lieutenant. May 16, 1865, he was promoted to 1st Lieutenancy in his Regiment.
On the 21st {June}, 1865, he was mustered out of service with an honorable discharge, and then after returned to Chicopee.
Died in So Hadley Falls 1899


Soldier's Record, Town of Chicopee


ca. 1861-1865


Public Domain




Chicopee (Mass.)






“David M. Donaldson, Civil War Soldier,” Chicopee Archives Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://chicopeepubliclibrary.org/archives/items/show/2693.