Abram Smith, Civil War Soldier
Abram Smith, Civil War Soldier
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
Abram Smith
Born in Middlesex, N.Y._Son of Joseph Smith_By occupation a Moulder_Married_At the age of 26 on 16 July, 1862, enlisted for 3 years in the 34th Reg. Massachusetts Vol. Infantry_Mustered 31 July and assigned to Co. āDā_Rank Private_when discharged rank Corporal.
Was with his Regiment in all its campaigns till battle of Piedmont, Va., in which engagement he was wounded by a mini ball in the right shoulder. Date June 5, 1864. He was confined {in} {time} in hospitals at {Stanton}, Va., Frederick City, Md., Annapolis, Md. From the latter he was furloughed for 30 days, at the expiration of which being unable to return, he reported to the camp at {Readville}, Mass. Where was confined 20 days, at the expiration of which returned to Annapolis. There was sent in {succession} to {???} Hospital, {???}, Germantown, {???} and chestnut Hill Hospitals, Philadelphia, from the latter of which on 18 May, 1865, he was discharged for disability on account of wound.
During his time of service he received two furloughs of 10 days each
Smith enlisted on {quota} of {Holyoke}.
Born in Middlesex, N.Y._Son of Joseph Smith_By occupation a Moulder_Married_At the age of 26 on 16 July, 1862, enlisted for 3 years in the 34th Reg. Massachusetts Vol. Infantry_Mustered 31 July and assigned to Co. āDā_Rank Private_when discharged rank Corporal.
Was with his Regiment in all its campaigns till battle of Piedmont, Va., in which engagement he was wounded by a mini ball in the right shoulder. Date June 5, 1864. He was confined {in} {time} in hospitals at {Stanton}, Va., Frederick City, Md., Annapolis, Md. From the latter he was furloughed for 30 days, at the expiration of which being unable to return, he reported to the camp at {Readville}, Mass. Where was confined 20 days, at the expiration of which returned to Annapolis. There was sent in {succession} to {???} Hospital, {???}, Germantown, {???} and chestnut Hill Hospitals, Philadelphia, from the latter of which on 18 May, 1865, he was discharged for disability on account of wound.
During his time of service he received two furloughs of 10 days each
Smith enlisted on {quota} of {Holyoke}.
Soldier's Record, Town of Chicopee
ca. 1861-1865
Public Domain
Chicopee (Mass.)
“Abram Smith, Civil War Soldier,” Chicopee Archives Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://chicopeepubliclibrary.org/archives/items/show/2713.