Edwin A. Buttrick, Civil War Soldier


Edwin A. Buttrick, Civil War Soldier


United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865


Born in Lowell, Mass. Son of David W. Buttrick, by occupation a Machinist, Married. at the age of 29 enlisted for three years in the the 21st Regiment of Infantry, Mass. Vols. Company H.
Mustered into service August 16, 1861, at Worcester, Mass.
Regiment camped for organization at Worcester. August 23rd left camp for Annapolis, Md. Staid there to guard the railroad to Annapolis Junction. Jan 6, 1862 embarked in Gen. Burnside's expedition. On the 9th sailed. Off Hatteras on the 12th-13th, anchored before Forts Clark and Hatteras. Till Feb. 5th, lay off shore on transport, on account of rough weather. Landed on the night of the 7th at Roanoke Island, under cover of the gunboats.
Battle of Roanoke Island next day.
March 4th, reembarked, and the 11th started for Newbern. Landed on the 13th about 15 miles from Newbern, and marched to within six miles of the city.
Battle of Newbern the next day.
April 17th moved toward Elizabeth City. Buttrick did not take part in the battle of Camden, but staid on the transport. Arrived in Newbern in return on the 22nd.
Remained in camp till July 2nd, then embarked, and on the night of the 3rd anchored off Fts. Clark and Hatteras. Returned to Newbern the next day.
July 6th started again, and reached Fortress Monroe on the 8th. Moved to Newport News on the 9th. Buttrick was off duty the last week in July.
August 2nd, left camp and reached Acquia Creek on the 4th. Thence by rail to Falmouth, Va. 14th reached Culpepper Court House, and camped near the Rapidan river on the 15th. 19th, marched to Kelly's Ford, north bank of the Rappahannock; thence covering the retreat of Gen. Pope's army through White Sulfur Springs, Warrenton, Manassas, Centreville and Fairfax Court House.
August 27th Buttrick was sick and ordered to the rear to follow the wagon train. Continued unwell till arrival of regiment in Washington September 6th. On the 7th entered Harewood Hospital.
November 15th transferred to the U.S. General Hospital, at Annapolis, Md. December 13th sent to "Convalescent Camp" at Alexandria, Va.
Discharged from service February 4th, 1863 and returned to Chicopee. Died in Chicopee Nov. 24th 1891.


Soldier's Record, Town of Chicopee



ca. 1861-1865


Public Domain




Chicopee (Mass.)






“Edwin A. Buttrick, Civil War Soldier,” Chicopee Archives Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://chicopeepubliclibrary.org/archives/items/show/2751.