Ebenezer Sherman, Civil War Soldier
Ebenezer Sherman, Civil War Soldier
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
Ebenezer Sherman.
Born in ?Ware?, Mass___Son of Reuben Sherman___By occupation a Blacksmith___Married___At the age of 39, on 3 October, 1861, enlisted for 3 years, in the 27th Reg. Massachusetts Vol. Infantry___Mustered 17 Octo. and assigned to Company "G"___Rank Private with no subsequent changes__
He took part with his Regiment in the engagements of Roanoke, Goldsboro and Cold Harbor, at the latter of which he was wounded by pieces of shell in the knee and by a {unreadable} ball in the back. Taken prisoner at Cold Harbor, he was confined in Richmond for 2 months, and thence, either discharge or paroled, was sent to Annapolis, where he was placed in hospital. Here he received a furlough and returned to his home in Chicopee where he remained several weeks. He reported on his return at Newbern, N.C., and on account of disability from wounds was detached from Reg. for duty as steward in hospital in that city, in which capacity he served till discharge. He reenlisted with others on the 27th for a second period of 3 years and received the prescribed furlough. Was on detached service as Blacksmith for 3 months in Belger's Battery.
Discharged with Regiment July 1865.
Born in ?Ware?, Mass___Son of Reuben Sherman___By occupation a Blacksmith___Married___At the age of 39, on 3 October, 1861, enlisted for 3 years, in the 27th Reg. Massachusetts Vol. Infantry___Mustered 17 Octo. and assigned to Company "G"___Rank Private with no subsequent changes__
He took part with his Regiment in the engagements of Roanoke, Goldsboro and Cold Harbor, at the latter of which he was wounded by pieces of shell in the knee and by a {unreadable} ball in the back. Taken prisoner at Cold Harbor, he was confined in Richmond for 2 months, and thence, either discharge or paroled, was sent to Annapolis, where he was placed in hospital. Here he received a furlough and returned to his home in Chicopee where he remained several weeks. He reported on his return at Newbern, N.C., and on account of disability from wounds was detached from Reg. for duty as steward in hospital in that city, in which capacity he served till discharge. He reenlisted with others on the 27th for a second period of 3 years and received the prescribed furlough. Was on detached service as Blacksmith for 3 months in Belger's Battery.
Discharged with Regiment July 1865.
Soldier's Record, Town of Chicopee
ca. 1861-1865
Public Domain
Chicopee (Mass.)
“Ebenezer Sherman, Civil War Soldier,” Chicopee Archives Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://chicopeepubliclibrary.org/archives/items/show/2760.