Patrick Gleason, Civil War Soldier
Patrick Gleason, Civil War Soldier
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
Patrick Gleason.
Born in Ireland___Son of Patrick Gleason__By occupation a Laborer___Single___At the age of 21 years, on 14 Aug., 1862, enlisted for 3 years in the 27th Reg. Massachusetts Vol-Infantry__ Mustered same date and assigned to Company "G"__Rank Private with no subsequent changes.
He served with his Reg. in the following battles: Gam Swamp N.C., and took part in the campaign under Butler up the James River in May 1864. In the attack on the Union lines on the morning of 16 May, 1864, he was captured. Taken first to Richmond, he was confined in Libby Prison for one week; thence he was transferred to Andersonville, Ga., in which prison he lay till about the middle of Sept. 1864, at which time he was removed to Charleston, S.C. There he remained for two weeks. Thence sent to {unreadable}, S.C., where he was confined till the end of March 1865. Thence to Salisbury, N.C., where he lay till his release with many fellow prisoners by Sherman's forces, 12 Apr., 1865. Long confinement having precluded his doing duty with his Reg., he was sent to the General Hospital at Nashville, Tenn. On July 8, 1865, having rec'd orders for discharge, he left the Hospital for Boston. As anticipated, he was not mustered out on arrival in Boston. He returned to Chicopee 13 July, 1865.
Discharged July 20, 1865, and returned to Chicopee.
Born in Ireland___Son of Patrick Gleason__By occupation a Laborer___Single___At the age of 21 years, on 14 Aug., 1862, enlisted for 3 years in the 27th Reg. Massachusetts Vol-Infantry__ Mustered same date and assigned to Company "G"__Rank Private with no subsequent changes.
He served with his Reg. in the following battles: Gam Swamp N.C., and took part in the campaign under Butler up the James River in May 1864. In the attack on the Union lines on the morning of 16 May, 1864, he was captured. Taken first to Richmond, he was confined in Libby Prison for one week; thence he was transferred to Andersonville, Ga., in which prison he lay till about the middle of Sept. 1864, at which time he was removed to Charleston, S.C. There he remained for two weeks. Thence sent to {unreadable}, S.C., where he was confined till the end of March 1865. Thence to Salisbury, N.C., where he lay till his release with many fellow prisoners by Sherman's forces, 12 Apr., 1865. Long confinement having precluded his doing duty with his Reg., he was sent to the General Hospital at Nashville, Tenn. On July 8, 1865, having rec'd orders for discharge, he left the Hospital for Boston. As anticipated, he was not mustered out on arrival in Boston. He returned to Chicopee 13 July, 1865.
Discharged July 20, 1865, and returned to Chicopee.
Soldier's Record, Town of Chicopee
ca. 1861-1865
Public Domain
Chicopee (Mass.)
“Patrick Gleason, Civil War Soldier,” Chicopee Archives Online, accessed March 10, 2025,