Charles A. Smith, Civil War Soldier


Charles A. Smith, Civil War Soldier


United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865


Charles A. Smith.

Born in Hadley, Mass.___Son of Rufus J. Smith,___by occupation a Mechanic,___Unmarried,___at the age of 21 enlisted for three years in the 10th. Regiment of Infantry, Mass. Vols. Company . Mustered into service June 21st. 1861.
While the regiment was encamped at Medford, he was sick with measles and cough, and was discharged from further service. Returned to his home in Chicopee. About a month afterward, having recovered, he re-enlisted, at Springfield, into Company K. of the same regiment, and joined it at Camp Brightwood.
During the siege of Yorktown, Va. he was attacked with severe sickness, and afterwards again discharged.
He remained at Chicopee and in the vicinity until the autumn of 1862, when he enlisted for nine months in the 49th. Regiment of Infantry, Mass. Vols.___Company I.___On the rolls of that company his name stands "Andrew C. Smith"; this was his real name, the other, "Charles A.", having been used through preference years before.
The 49th. went into camp for organization at Pittsfield, Mass. Received marching orders November 21st., 1862, to report in New York to Gen. Andrews, and on arriving there was sent to Camp on Long Island. Here they remained, doing provost duty in New York, till January 24, 1863, when they proceeded by steamer to New Orleans. From there, sent to Carrollton, thence to Baton Rouge.
March 14th., the regiment participated in the feigned advance of Gen. Banks' forces on Port Hudson. Shortly after returned to Baton Rouge and resumed guard duty.
About the middle of May the regiment advanced with Gen. Augur's division toward Port Hudson, and May 21st. it participated in the battle of Plain's Store, where it earned high commendation gallantry.
May 27th., the regiment participated in the first assault on Port Hudson, in which it met with heavy loss.
June 14th., it made, with the rest of the division, a feigned assault on the rebel works. During the entire investment of Port Hudson the regiment was in the front, until the surrender, July 9, 1863.___Immediately thereafter the 49th. was sent, with two brigades, to Donaldsville.___On the 13th. of July they marched to Bayou Lafourche. Here they were nearly cut off by a superior force, but by making a circuit of three miles they succeeded in joining the rest of the forces.
Except several short expeditions, the regiment had no further active service.
Returned home, via the Mississippi River, arriving in Pittsfield, August 21, 1863, and was immediately afterward mustered out of service.
Smith served in all these movements, without wounds or sickness, and performed an honorable part.


Soldier's Record, Town of Chicopee



ca. 1861-1865


Public Domain




Chicopee (Mass.)






“Charles A. Smith, Civil War Soldier,” Chicopee Archives Online, accessed March 10, 2025,