John C. Adams, Civil War Soldier
John C. Adams, Civil War Soldier
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
John C. Adams.
Born in Lowell, Mass.___Son of Sylvanus Adams,___by occupation a Clerk,___Unmarried,___at the age of 23 enlisted for three years in the 10th. Regiment of Infantry, Mass. Vols.___Company F. Mustered into service June 21st. 1861.
Remained on duty with Reg. till March 1862, faithfully performing every duty {unreadable} on him as Private, at which time was detailed as Clerk at H.q. Maj. Gen. Couch with whom and the succession Commanders of this Division he remained in this capacity till prostrated by chronic diarrhoea in Feb. 1863. He was with the Army of the Potomac during the campaigns on the Peninsula and in Maryland, also during the campaigns about Fredericksburgh, Va. in latter part of 1862 and in Jan. 1863. January 10, 1863, was taken sick with diarrhoea. Rec'd from Falmouth, Feb. 9, a furlough of 10 days and came to Chicopee. At its expiration rec'd an extension till pronounced able to travel. His disease becoming no better, he was discharged from the service on account of disability 25 April, 1863. Recovery from his disease was so retarded that it was many months before he regained even part of his original physical power.
Born in Lowell, Mass.___Son of Sylvanus Adams,___by occupation a Clerk,___Unmarried,___at the age of 23 enlisted for three years in the 10th. Regiment of Infantry, Mass. Vols.___Company F. Mustered into service June 21st. 1861.
Remained on duty with Reg. till March 1862, faithfully performing every duty {unreadable} on him as Private, at which time was detailed as Clerk at H.q. Maj. Gen. Couch with whom and the succession Commanders of this Division he remained in this capacity till prostrated by chronic diarrhoea in Feb. 1863. He was with the Army of the Potomac during the campaigns on the Peninsula and in Maryland, also during the campaigns about Fredericksburgh, Va. in latter part of 1862 and in Jan. 1863. January 10, 1863, was taken sick with diarrhoea. Rec'd from Falmouth, Feb. 9, a furlough of 10 days and came to Chicopee. At its expiration rec'd an extension till pronounced able to travel. His disease becoming no better, he was discharged from the service on account of disability 25 April, 1863. Recovery from his disease was so retarded that it was many months before he regained even part of his original physical power.
Soldier's Record, Town of Chicopee
ca. 1861-1865
Public Domain
Chicopee (Mass.)
“John C. Adams, Civil War Soldier,” Chicopee Archives Online, accessed March 10, 2025,