J. Albert Winn, Civil War Soldier


J. Albert Winn, Civil War Soldier


United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865


J. Albert Winn.

Born in Chicopee, Mass.___Son of Abiel Winn,___by occupation a Gunsmith,___Unmarried,___at the age of 25 enlisted for three years in the 10th. Regiment of Infantry, Mass. Vols._Company I.___Mustered into service June 21st' 1861.
His military record is the same as that of the regiment until the first of February, 1862. At that date volunteers were called for to man the gunboats on the Western rivers, and Winn responded.
He was at once transferred from the 10th. regiment, and ordered to the gunboat Louisville, then ready to start for the attack on Fort Donelson, on Cumberland River, Tenn.___Winn served in that fight, as sponger, and was badly injured in the right side by the dismounting of a gun. Placed in the floating hospital, and carried to Columbus Ky. and afterwards to Island No. 10___Discharged March 7th. 1862, and arrived in Chicopee on the 15th.
Re-enlisted, for three years, July 5th. 1862 in the 34th. Regiment of Infantry, Mass. Vols._Company D.___Appointed Orderly Sergeant ath the organization of the company.___August 15th. the regiment, then at "Camp Wool", Worcester, Mass. left for Washington. Next day after its arrival crossed Long Bridge into Virginia; performed guard and garrison duty at Alexandria, Fort Ellsworth, and Fort Lyon, (most of the tiome at the latter place,) until May 31st., 1863. Then ordered from Ft. Lyon to Washington for provost-guard duty. July 10th. went from Washington to Harper's Ferry, via Baltimore and Ohio R.R.___Furloughed four weeks ending July 11, 1863, and visited Chicopee. Crossed the Potomac from Maryland Heights in pontoon boats July 14th., drove off the rebel pickets, and guarded the construction of a bridge. They had the honor of first setting foot in Virginia after the retreat of Gen. Lee from before Gen. Meade's advance. From this date the 18th Octo., the Command lay in the fortifications of Harper's Ferry performing the usual routine of duty in garrison. At this date the Engagement of Rippon was fought in which Winn took part. Immediately succeeding this, Winn was detailed for duty as Scout at Gen. Sullivan's Hd-qrs. From this date to 15 May, 1864 he remained on such service, serving under Gen. Sullivan till 17 Jan. 1864 and thence forward to 15 May under Gen. Sigel. During this detached service he penetrated the enemy's lines and enlisted in a company of rebel guerrillas, known as the "Clark Cox Company", then encamped on the banks of the James eight miles above Richmond. He remained with this Co. till the 14 Jan'y, 1864, when he deserted in company company with two comrades, and on the 17th reached in safety the Union Line. 15 May he was {unreadable} to his Company in the 34th He was with his Reg. during the campaigns in the Shenandoah, taking part in the actions of Piedmont, Newmarket, Hamilton, Lynchburg, the two battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill, {unreadable} and Cedar Creek. In the last engagement on the 19th Octo. 1864, he was wounded five times, in abdomen twice, once by the packing of a shell and again by a bullet, in the left leg near the thigh and twice in the left arm. A shell severed his left hand from the arm leaving the latter from just below the elbow down. For ten (10) hours he lay on the field, at one time in the hands of the rebels who took from him shoes, hat and stockings. Taken to the field hospital amputation was performed just below the elbow. From the field hospital he was transferred to Winchester where he lay in hospital two weeks. While there Sheridan visited the wounded men, and as he saw the shattered condition of Winn, he remarked to him "Sergeant if you were not a Massachusetts man I should think you would die". From Winchester he was sent to hospital Philadelphia. Here he lay till 20 Dec. when he rec'd a furlough of 20 days and visited Chicopee. Instead of returning to Phila., he reported on the 29 Dec'r to the Surgeon in charge of Gen. Hospital at Worcester, Mass. At this hospital he remained till his discharge from the service on Feb. 13, 1865.
On the basis of recommendations, he was commissioned a 2d Lieut. in Hancock's Veteran Corps on 2 Jan. 1865. He was never mustered nor did he report for duty in his new grade, Surgeon Gen. Dale of Mass. declaring him unfit because of wounds in his abdomen to {unreadable}.
Winn reenlisted as Private in 34th Mass. Vols and as such served till 5 Aug. 1863, when he was promoted to 1st Sergeant.

Died in Chicopee Sept 26 1872.


Soldier's Record, Town of Chicopee



ca. 1861-1865


Public Domain




Chicopee (Mass.)






“J. Albert Winn, Civil War Soldier,” Chicopee Archives Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://chicopeepubliclibrary.org/archives/items/show/2844.