William H. Day, Civil War Soldier


William H. Day, Civil War Soldier


United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865


William H. Day.

Born at Northampton, Mass.___Son of William Day,___by occupation a Hairdresser,___Unmarried,___at the age of 23 enlisted for three years in the 10th. Regiment of Infantry, Mass. Vols. Company F.___Participated in all the marches and engagements of his regiment till July 3rd 1863, except brief interruptions during the Peninsular Campaign. From the times of leaving Williamsburg Va. until the arrival at Fair Oaks, was relieved on account of sickness from his regular duties, but did not go to the hospital. On the 31st. of May, 1862, when the regiment advanced to battle. Day at once took his place in the ranks (although contrary to the advice of the officers.) and was among the last to retire from the fight. During the last three weeks in July 1862, was sick with fever at Marine Hospital, Portsmouth, Va.___Rejoined his regiment at Harrison's Landing, Va. and on the 4th. of August participated in Gen. Hooker's reconnaissance at Malvern Hill.
Promoted Corporal, Jan. 1st. 1863.___In the battle at Gettysburg, Pa. July 3rd. 1863, was wounded in the morning by a rifle ball, which passed through the fleshy part of his left leg, carving away a small splinter of the bone. He had been a little in the rear of the regiment, helping along a sick comrade, and by mistake, the regiment having changed its line of march, became exposed to the fire of the enemy's sharpshooters in front of the line of battle. With the assistance of his companion, he succeeded in getting off the field, and out of further danger. At Littlestown, Pa. he slept one night on the steps of the hotel, and the next day took cars for Baltimore Md., where he arrived July 5th. Had his wound dressed in Jarvis Hospital; after a few days was transferred to West Philadelphia Hospital. Received a furlough, July 31st., and visited Chicopee
Returned to the hospital the 1st. of December following. He was sick nearly all winter.
May 1, 1864, he went to Washington to Clifburn Barracks. He had previously studied at the Philadelphia Military School about six weeks. May 19, he was examined before Gen. Casey's Examining Board, and passed for a commission as 2nd. Lieutenant. He did not, however, accept the commission, on account of disability.
Discharged from service, June 22, 1864, and returned to Chicopee.


Soldier's Record, Town of Chicopee



ca. 1861-1865


Public Domain




Chicopee (Mass.)






“William H. Day, Civil War Soldier,” Chicopee Archives Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://chicopeepubliclibrary.org/archives/items/show/2847.