Chronology (October 5, 1864 - November 12, 1864)
Chronology (October 5, 1864 - November 12, 1864)
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
at the same time in front and on the right flank, the Command suffered a loss of 115 men. The men stood bravely till their ammunition was exhausted, when they were relieved by the 7th Mass. Retiring over the crest of a hill, they supplied themselves anew, and took position for the night. {unreadable} all night. On 6th placed in {unreadable}, and moved on enemy at daylight. Engaged in the action, with loss of 13. After bivouacing for night, were ordered to form into Corps their on extreme right. On 7th took position in Early morning, and threw up works to protect its right flank. On night of 7th marched, and, soon after daylight on 8th, reached Hooker's old position near Chancellorsville.Thence marched towards Spottsylvania, and in P.M. of same day found enemy in strong force on its front. Here engaged enemy with a loss of 8 men. May 9th, Reg. lay within our line of works; 10th, sent out to support a picket line; 11th, supported a charge made by Hancock, in which large captures of men and material were made; 12th, in a heavy rain which fell all day, engaged the enemy fiercely, and fought with its usual determination and gallantry, losing many officers and men; 13th, was relieved and sent to the rear; 17th, made a reconnaisance on enemy's right flank, engaged enemy's cavalry, driving it nearly five miles, and discovering the position of his infantry about two miles from Spottsylvania Court House; returned to camp weary, and rec'd orders to assault enemy's works at 4 A.M. of 18th; marched all night and reached designated point at 4:30 A.M. of 18th; assaulted and caused third line of enemy's {unreadable}, which held for some hours {unreadable} the {unreadable} of its right flank and after the other forces had retired, when was moved to left under a {unreadable} fire and formed Wheaton's Brigade; held this point for some time till by orders were retired. In this engagement suffered much; 19th, moved to a point nearly opposite enemy's right, when threw up rifle-hits; held this position till 21 May, when started for Bowling Green Road, and marched all night; 22d, 23d, and 24th still marching forward; 23d crossed North Anna River marched to and formed lines near Little River, and began fortifying; 26th, recrossed North Anna; marched all night and all day 27th, reaching banks of Pamunkey night of 27th; 28th, crossed Pamunkey, took position and began intrenching, working all night without rations; 29th, marched to Hanover Court House; 30th, ordered to Peak's Station, on La. Central R.R., to find enemy, destroy rail-road and buildings of {unreadable}. Object accomplished with some fighting; night of 30th bivouaced at Phelp's Mill; 31st, marched at an early hour for Coal Harbor, which reached at 3 P.M.; engaged the enemy here with some loss; night of 31st threw up entrenchments; 2d {unreadable} moved to a position on left of 18th Corps, and threw up strong rifle-hits; 2d to 12th constantly under fire, now in front now in rear; 12th, when the army made its flank movement to left, 10th was detached
Soldier's Record, Town of Chicopee
ca. 1861-1865
Public Domain
Chicopee (Mass.)
“Chronology (October 5, 1864 - November 12, 1864),” Chicopee Archives Online, accessed March 10, 2025,