Chicopee, Chicopee City Directory, 1875-1876
Chicopee, Chicopee City Directory, 1875-1876
Chicopee (Mass.) -- Directories.
AS once a part of Springfield proper, and now so closely allied to
it in its business and social relations, as to still make it substantially
a. prominent branch of the growing family which cling to "the old
folks at home." It has, nevertheless, a name and fame
of its own, most worthily won, and in point of industry, enterprise and
intelligent thrift, ranks among the first New England manufacturing
We append a brief sketch of many of its prominent industries and
business establishments
OF the manufacturing interests of Chicopee, the Dwight Company is the most
important, occupying seven large mills, and furnishing employment, at the present
time, to 1,500 operatives. It was organized about 1833, with a capital of $1,200,000 which
has remained unchanged to the present time. The first mill was begun July 15, 1833;
the last one, June 8, 1844. Originally, there were three separate corporations, but these
were early combined in one. The total number of spindles, now in operation, is 110,000, of
looms, 2,671. The stock is nearly all owned in Boston, as it has been from the first, and
the avowed policy of the management is to allow the outside world the least possible
knowledge of their affairs. John A. Vernon of Boston, is president, Charles W.
Freeland of the same city, treasurer, G. W. Bedlow, agent, and Minot, Hooper & Co. of
Boston and New York, are the selling agents.
Second in magnitude of its operations, though first in public interest, is the Ames
Company, located on the Chicopee River, just above the Dwight Company's mills, and
close by the Center Depot, on the Chicopee Falls branch. It was organized in 1842,
with a capital of $30,000, James T. Ames and N. P. Ames, of Chicopee, and J. K.
Mills, Edmund Dwight, founder of .the Dwight Manufacturing Company, and Ignatius
Sargent of Boston, being the principal Stockholders. Mr. Dwight was its first president. Its
early history shows a steady growth and repeated enlargement of its capital, until
in 1850, it reached the sum of $250,000, its present figure. During the war, from 1500 to
1600 hands were employed, and large supplies of cannon, swords, and
projectiles were furnished the government. In 1867, a change in the management
occurred, Messrs. Emerson Gaylord, T. W. Carter and E. 0. Carter, of Chicopee,
securing, with Mr. James T. Ames, a majority of the stock, and transferring the
headquarters of the Company from Boston to Chicopee.
Mr. Ames, who had previously been the Company’s agent, now became its
president, and held the position until January, 1872, when Emerson Gaylord was
chosen ashis successor, and held the place until last January, when, a majority of the
stock having been previously purchased by Clifford Arrick, of Washington, D.
C., and Mr. A. C. Woodworth, son-in-law of Mr. .Ames, there was another change in the
management, and Mr. Arrick was chosen president, Mr. Woodworth agent, A. G.
Bowles, of Boston, treasurer, and Messrs. Arrick and Woodworth, with Nathaniel
Hooper, of Boston, A. G. Dexter and James T. Ames, directors, 'with E. 0. Carter
as clerk. A short time before his death, Hon. Samuel Hooper, of Boston,
purchased a large interest, his stock being subsequently bought by Messrs.' Arrick and
The new president will be remembered for his sharp contest with General Dyer,
two or three years ago, and is· best known in military circles as the owner of the
Eureka projectile which is now being tested by the ordnance department at
Washington; so far with very satisfactory results. Should the government approve this projectile, its
manufacture will be brought to these works and insure-a material increase of the
present working force of 350. At present the Company is manufacturing bronze statuary,
for which the works are· widely noted, fancy swords of which from 50 to 10_0 per day
are produced, machinists' tools and special machinery. The whole history of the
Company has been a prosperous one, the dividends from January, 1847, to April,
1871, aggregating 432 per cent. During the war and immediately after they ranged
from 20 to
35 per cent.
The Gaylord Company, manufacturers of cabinet locks and malleable iron
castings, are located just above the works of the Ames Company. Their corporate
existence dates back only from 1863, but their business dates back to 1856, when
Emerson Gay lord, who for fifteen years previous had been employed as a workman
and contractor for the Ames Company, bought out its interest in the manufacture
of military accoutrements; fire hose and leather belting, and set up for himself,
employing only three or four hands. In July, 1859, he received the contract for
the construction of all the mail bags used by the general government, a contract renewed
in 1863 and again in 1867 and this at once gave a great impetus to his business. At the opening of the
War the government called upon him for supplies, a new mill was erected, the working
force increased to 400, and every nerve strained to meet the demand. Growing out of
this came the organization of the Company having a capital ·stock of $100,000, with
Emerson Gaylord as president, Jerome Wells as treasurer, and Messrs.
Gaylord, Wells, T. W. Carter, James T. Ames and E. N. Snow as directors. Like
most institutions of the class they reaped a rich harvest from the war, and after it was
over were in good shape to undertake the manufacture of cabinet locks, a
difficult and rarely successful work, but one in which their success was all that
could be wished. They now make over 2,000,000 locks per year, in 350 styles. The
Company has undergone few changes. Sereno Gaylord, brother of Emerson,
succeeded Mr. Wells as treasurer in 1864, and was succeeded by A. F. Gaylord, son of
the president of the Company, in
1870. The firm at present employs about 60 hands. James L. Pease is agent
of the corporation.
A business wonderful in its growth, and remarkable in its prosperity, is that of S.
Blaisdell, Jr. & Co., whose modest office is close by the Chicopee Junction Depot. Its origin dates back to 1863, when George Mattoon and Andrew Hubbard engaged in the
Cotton waste business, at Chicopee Falls. Mr. Hubbard died not long after, and in 1865
It was removed to Chicopee, and Mr. Mattoon continued the business alone, untill868,
when S. Blaisdell, Jr. joined him, the firm name being Mattoon & Blaisdell, and so
continuing until Mr. Mattoon's retirement in May, 1872. At the time the new co-
partnership was formed, the firm had a capital of $10,000, and did a yearly business of
from $30,000 to $50,000. In less than two years; this was increased over 100 per
cent, and the two following years saw it again doubled. Since that time, its growth has
been even more rapid, and during the twelve montl1s ending April 30, 1875, the sales aggregated more
than a million of dollars, those for the last three months of it reaching the sum
of $350,000. The capital stock is now $150,000. The freight bills of the firm for
the year, were upwards of $37,000; their telegraph bills, 75 per cent of the total business of
The town. The cotton waste business has long been one of secondary importance,
their trade being principally in cotton itself, which they receive direct from the cotton
sheds, through every port in the South, from Norfolk, Va., to New Orleans and
Galveston. They make a specialty of supplying extra fine cotton to manufacturers
of fine under· wear, and deal largely in fine waste, to be mixed with wool for spinning
purposes. They do likewise a considerable business in paper stock and paper, and
anticipate, for the coming year, a trade largely in excess of anything hitherto. The
firm at present consists of the three brothers, S. Jar, Charles M. and George A.
Half a mile west of the Chicopee Junction Depot of the Connecticut River Railroad,
and in plain view of it, is the extensive carriage manufacturing establishment of
Edison Clark. The business was started about twenty years ago, in two buildings;
one sixty feet in length, and two stories in height, and the other sixty-five feet long,
and a story and a half high. The works at present occupy four separate buildings,
two and three stories high, and respectively, one hundred by twenty-five feet, ninety
by twenty-five, eighty-five by twenty-five, and sixty-five by thirty-five. About
thirty men are employed, and the business done exceeds that of any other carriage
manufactory in the State, outside of Boston, amounting yearly to something more
than $40,000. All sorts of light work, buggies, carryalls, etc., are built, and nothing
is allowed to go out which is not in every respect first-class work... Most of the
workmen are employed steadily, year in and year out, instead of being discharged at
the close of the busy sea· son, insuring a reliable force of competent men at all times.
In the same line is the establishment ·of W. H. Gilmore, at the intersection of
summer and Cross. Streets, just outside the business section of Chicopee. A single
small building, now used as a wood shop, sufficed for its beginnings in 1842, since which it
has been three times enlarged, and the two or three hands, at first employed, have been
in creased to from eighteen to :twenty-five, according to the demands of the season.
Formerly Mr. Gilmore as engaged largely in building heavy wagons, his goods having
the very· highest reputation, and being sold largely at the South. Recently he has
confined himself principally to lighter work, his sales some years reaching $10,000 or
more, but has never sacrificed his reputation for perfect maternal and honest work.
His goods are mostly marketed in this vicinity, though occasional sales are made at the
West and South, and some have been sent as far off as California.
Byrt & Bullens, tanners and curriers, do business on the bank of the Connecticut
river, opposite the Chicopee Junction depot, and have been so occupied for the past
twelve years, employing from five to ten men and using from 100 to 200 sides of leather
weekly, mostly' calfskins, their business being principally in harness and suspender
B. Leavitt is one of the oldest, if not the oldest manufacturer in Chicopee, now
actively engaged in business, having occupied his present location between the
establishments of the Ames· and Gaylord manufacturing companies, for more than
forty years, his yearly business varying from $5,000.00 to $20,000.00. He formerly
made both bobbins and shuttles, but for some years past has confined himself to
bobbins, supplying the home demand and something beyond it.
At the head of the local bar, is George D. Robinson, for nearly twenty years a
resident of the town, a practicing lawyer for the past nine years, and for a like number
Previously, principal of the High School. Mr. Robinson was a member of the
Legislature of 1874, and was last fall a candidate for a second term, when he ran
largely ahead of his ticket, but failed of an election. His office is in Cabot Hall block.
In the same block is the office of Luther White, for the past five or six years a
successful practitioner. He is a young man yet, and has held no public office except
that of school committee.
L. E. Hitchcock, who has his office in Kendall’s block on Market Square, was
admitted to the bar about a year ago.
Jonathan Allen, a graduate of the office of E. B. Maynard, of Springfield, has been in
practice in Chicopee about eighteen months. He has just opened an office in Burke's new
block on lower Exchange Street.
H. L. Sherman is also a late comer. His office is with Mr. Robinson.
Chicopee's only bakery is that of W. C. Wedge & Co., who have been in business
for the past fourteen years on Center street. As patentees and manufacturers of Wedge's
rotary oven, the firm has a reputation far beyond its local limits.
The First National, formerly the Cabot Bank, has a capital of $150,000.00, with
a large surplus. The following are its officers: President, Jerome Wells; cashier,
F. B. Doten; directors, Jerome Wells, T. W. Carter, Emerson Gaylord, Erastus
Stebbins, and E. 0. Carter. The Cabot Bank was instituted March 1, 1845, John
Chase being its first president.
The Chicopee Savings Bank was organized in 1854 with Jerome Wells as president and
Henry H. Harris as treasurer. The latter has held his office ever since. Mr. Wells
retired at the close of last year. The present official board is constituted as
follows: President, George D. Robinson; vice-presidents, E. 0. Carter, A. G. Parker,
Emerson Gaylord, G. H. Chapman; secretary, George V. Wheelock; treasurer,
Henry B. Harris; trustees, Benning Leavitt, J. A. Dennison, George S. Taylor, N.
Cutler, John B. Wood, C. M Kendall, E. Stebbins, Lewis M. Ferry, John Dixon, George
V. Wheelock,. A.S. Hunter, A. F. Gaylord. The present location is in Kendall's
new block, opposite the Town Hall, to which it removed in December last, having
previously been kept in the same building with the First National Bank. It has at
present 1,250 depositors with an aggregate of $4:43,266 deposits.
E. M. Alden, Merchants' row, is proprietor of the only bookstore in Chicopee,
combined with which is an extensive circulating library, and large stationery and
newspaper department. Mr. Alden has been engaged in his present business, which
he has built up with much energy, since 1870. He is, and has been for many years,
the local agent of the American Express Company.
J. Stackpole, an old and esteemed resident of the town, opened about a year ago a·
news and variety store on Center street. .Mr. Stackpole makes the sale and repairing
of clocks something of a specialty. He l1as lately taken a partner, the firm at present
being J. Stackpole & Co.
Three barbers do the legitimate shaving for Chicopee people, Charles H. Blackmer,
who has prominent and attractive quarters in Temple’s block, R. A. Page and
T Cronin?
Prominent in his line is Mr. W. L. Blackmer, who came to Chicopee in 1861, and
after four years' service in the employ of the Gaylord Manufacturing Company opened
a fancy goods store on the site of the Masonic Hall block. This he sold· in 1869,
and entered upon his present business on Exchange street. Mr. Blackmer does a large
custom business in men's fine work.
Farther down Exchange street J. O'Donnell is doing a considerable business in
boots and shoes.
Other prominent dealers are Chapman & Folsom, S. W. Parshley and W. P.
Carlos Allen, the popular coal dealer, has his office in Temple's block and does a
large business. A. B. Abbey, R. W. Bemis and Jolt Dixon are also engaged in it.
Messrs. Mead & Richards are engaged in the business of putting down the
popular concrete paving, and will respond promptly to orders from any part of
the country.
In the line of custom clothing, Chicopee bas something to be proud or in the
establishment of J. P. Buckingham, who has been engaged in the business there
over 20 years, sometimes, as at present, alone, though more frequently with a
partner. He formerly kept a line of ready-made clothing, but now limits
himself to custom work and furnishings. Mr. Buckingham usually employs
from twelve to fifteen hands.
J. M. Lane and B. Moffit are engaged in the same business. Hitchcock
& Hosley is the only American house engaged in the ready-made clothing
business. The senior partner, Harvey Hitchcock, started the business about
years ago at the stand now occupied by the firm, and in May, 1866, were joined
by Mr. James E. Hosley. They deal to some extent in boots and shoes, and
are located in Bullens' block on Exchange street.
Chicopee's three drug stores are all of long standing, but the honor of
seniority among the present dealers belongs to W. W. Johnson, who has been
engaged _in the business in Cabot Hall block, on Market square since August, 1861.
Mr. Johnson has been a resident of the town for 40 years, and was postmaster during
the administrations of Presidents Pierce and Buchanan.
Warren Smith has occupied his present stand on Exchange street for the
past ten. years. He has been a resident of Chicopee most of the time since 1853.
Hooker & Co. are later comers, occupying the Exchange street store where Dr.
Roudiez was previously
The house of Warren S. Bragg & Co., the Company consisting of Jerome Wells
and F. B. Doten, cashier of the First National Bank, is confessedly the leading
one in the dry goods trade in Chicopee. Located on the corner of Exchange
street and Market square, on the site where it was first established by Mr. Wells
nearly forty years ago, it occupies three large and commodious stores in Cabot
Hall block, one being devoted to dry goods, the second to the carpet trade, and
the third to the hardware business. From a yearly business of $40,000 in 1865,
the firm showed one of $110,000 in 1873, and now count safely upon one of
$100,000 or more yearly.
A. J. Jenks was formerly with Bragg & Co., but went into business for himself
on the opposite side of Exchange street, about three years ago. Later he bought
out Hale
& Oakes and removed to the stand in Bullens' block on the same street, formerly
occupied by them, where he is now carrying on a large and prosperous business.
John B. Wood, whose dry goods establishment is located on the corner of
Exchange and Center streets, is one of the old business men of Chicopee, He
came here in 1850 from Holyoke, having served his apprenticeship in a country
variety store in Ireland Parish, and was for thirteen years engaged in the grocery
business, after which he entered upon his present line of trade. In both he has
been very prosperous. For the past ten years Mr. Wood has filled the office of
tax collector.
C. H..Merrick on Exchange street, is the only other dealer of note.
The furniture business in Chicopee is limited to the spacious warerooms of Lafayette Temple in
Temple's block on Center Street. YEars ago the business was carried on by Josiah
Whitney, and afterwards passed into the hands of Hosley & Co., Mr. Temple
being the junior. member of the firm for nine years, and for the past four months
sole proprietor. He carries a stock valued at from $12,000 to $13,000, and does
large undertakers’ and picture frame business. The establishment has always
done a safe and fairly remunerative trade.
The Bullens family was the pioneers in the grocery business of Chicopee, and is identified
more than any others with its mercantile history. As far back as 1838, the
business was established by the four brothers, E. A. I, I. M., on the site now
occupied by Isaac Bullens & Sons, on the corner Of Exchange and Cabot streets.
Their business was immense for those times, amounting to $100,000 a year, and
they were reckoned the largest retail grocers in the State outside of Boston.
Later the brothers separated, each taking a separate line of the business. The
junior members of the present firm of I. Bullens & Sons, are I. Newton Bullens, who
has been associated with his father for some twenty-three years, nod Lewis C.,
who was a1lmittell to partnership about four years ago.· All the American grocers
in Chicopee were trained in this store. Dullens & Sons do a large business, and
carry a considerable line of crockery.
C. A. Bullens, representing- another branch of the family, also conducts a large
grocery business nearby, and is proprietor of Exchange Hall, which has a seating capacity
of about 400.
Carter & Spaulding at present do the largest grocery business in Chicopee, their
location on Market square being one of the best in the town, and their business
having increased every year since they first opened. The present firm dates
back ten years
Mr. Carter having been in the business alone for three years preceding.
Other prominent dealers in this branch are P. Rourke, corner of West and Emerald
streets, and Lankton & Pond, on Exchange street.
The Cabot House, kept for the past eleven years by W. H. Dickinson, is
located on Front street opposite the Town Hall, and close by the Center depot.
1t is well kept, and has a good feeding stable connected with it.
The Chicopee House, kept by Merrick Abbe, is near the Junction depot.
C. F. Kent, near the head of Exchange street, carries a well selected $10,000.00
stock of watches and Jewelry. Previous to entering on his present business, Mr.
Kent kept a drug store for fifteen or twenty years.
E. A. Gallupe occupies a portion of E. M. Alden's store on Market Square, and
carries on a watch repairing and general jewelry business.
W. E. Wheeler has carried on a large livery business at his Exchange street
stand for the past ten years, and for a year past has combined with it a
considerable trade in harness and trunks. He also supplies brass foundries
largely with sand for cores, his tra1le in this line reaching from Montreal to
,V, II. Dickinson's stable, near Mr. Wheeler's, is also an old and prosperous
stand as are those of R Corey in the same vicinity, and Merrick Abbe who is
located at the Chicopee House near the Junction depot.
The oldest meat market is that of J. A. Denison & Co. on Cabot street, where it has
been established for thirty years or more. Mr. Denison himself
withdrew from the business in 1873, leaving the firm name to the present proprietors John D. White,
W.P. Ferry and A. E. Jones.
J. U. McClench is also one of the veteran marketmen of the town, having been
for many years on Center street, and lately in his new block on Exchange street
W. S. Wood has lately started the business on Center street, where he is
building up
a prosperous trade.
Stoddard & Stedman have been in the same line for five or six years.
The fish and oyster business is carried on by Quimby & Beckwith who, not long
since, bought out George Barrett's old stand on Exchange street, and by N.
Cleveland who opened last September on Center street, near the head of Exchange.
Misses A. & A. McQuade have not been long in the millinery business, but are
building up a large and prosperous trade at their establishment in Dixon's
block on the corner of Exchange and Dwight streets.
Other millinery houses are those of Mrs. A. B. Bagg, Miss A. J. Fuller, John
Mrs. I. F. Connor and J. & M. Follis.
W D. Manchester & Co., Center street, do all kinds of painting and decorative
paper hanging. Mr. Manchester has been engaged in the business for eight
years, most of the time without a partner, and has prospered.
Frank 0. Dayton has opened a shop this Spring on Exchange street. He was, for
about two years with Mr. Manchester and pursues the same general line of
The only established picture gallery in Chicopee, is that of W. S. Butler, on the
corner of Exchange and Cabot streets, an old and prosperous stand.
Few men of any station in life, are more highly esteemed than the veteran,
Michael McDermot, who resides on Spruce street, and is responsible for a great
many firs t class jobs performed during the past ten or fifteen years.
G. V. Wheelock, the only job printer in Chicopee, is located in Cabot Hall block,
does good work, and keeps two men steadily employed.
The need of an up-town restaurant has been met by Mr. C. N. Manchester, who
has just opened on Center street, nearly opposite Temple Block, the most finely
fitted up dining-rooms the town has yet known.
H. Cogswell has been for the past six years located at the old stand, on
Exchange street, where William G. Bliss, for a quarter of a century previous, carried
on the stove and tinware business. .Mr. Cogswell came originally from Keene,
N. H., and before going to Chicopee, had charge of the work department of D.
B. Montague's Establishment at Springfield. He manufactures tinware
extensively, and does a large business otherwise.
A. M. Moore, successor to Southworth & Moore, is located, in a handsome
brick block, on the north side of Exchange street, and divides the stove trade with
Mr. Cogswell. This establishment, like that of the latter, dates back a number of
years, though it has passed through several changes, Mr. Simon G. Southworth
retiring from the firm about a year ago.
AS once a part of Springfield proper, and now so closely allied to
it in its business and social relations, as to still make it substantially
a. prominent branch of the growing family which cling to "the old
folks at home." It has, nevertheless, a name and fame
of its own, most worthily won, and in point of industry, enterprise and
intelligent thrift, ranks among the first New England manufacturing
We append a brief sketch of many of its prominent industries and
business establishments
OF the manufacturing interests of Chicopee, the Dwight Company is the most
important, occupying seven large mills, and furnishing employment, at the present
time, to 1,500 operatives. It was organized about 1833, with a capital of $1,200,000 which
has remained unchanged to the present time. The first mill was begun July 15, 1833;
the last one, June 8, 1844. Originally, there were three separate corporations, but these
were early combined in one. The total number of spindles, now in operation, is 110,000, of
looms, 2,671. The stock is nearly all owned in Boston, as it has been from the first, and
the avowed policy of the management is to allow the outside world the least possible
knowledge of their affairs. John A. Vernon of Boston, is president, Charles W.
Freeland of the same city, treasurer, G. W. Bedlow, agent, and Minot, Hooper & Co. of
Boston and New York, are the selling agents.
Second in magnitude of its operations, though first in public interest, is the Ames
Company, located on the Chicopee River, just above the Dwight Company's mills, and
close by the Center Depot, on the Chicopee Falls branch. It was organized in 1842,
with a capital of $30,000, James T. Ames and N. P. Ames, of Chicopee, and J. K.
Mills, Edmund Dwight, founder of .the Dwight Manufacturing Company, and Ignatius
Sargent of Boston, being the principal Stockholders. Mr. Dwight was its first president. Its
early history shows a steady growth and repeated enlargement of its capital, until
in 1850, it reached the sum of $250,000, its present figure. During the war, from 1500 to
1600 hands were employed, and large supplies of cannon, swords, and
projectiles were furnished the government. In 1867, a change in the management
occurred, Messrs. Emerson Gaylord, T. W. Carter and E. 0. Carter, of Chicopee,
securing, with Mr. James T. Ames, a majority of the stock, and transferring the
headquarters of the Company from Boston to Chicopee.
Mr. Ames, who had previously been the Company’s agent, now became its
president, and held the position until January, 1872, when Emerson Gaylord was
chosen ashis successor, and held the place until last January, when, a majority of the
stock having been previously purchased by Clifford Arrick, of Washington, D.
C., and Mr. A. C. Woodworth, son-in-law of Mr. .Ames, there was another change in the
management, and Mr. Arrick was chosen president, Mr. Woodworth agent, A. G.
Bowles, of Boston, treasurer, and Messrs. Arrick and Woodworth, with Nathaniel
Hooper, of Boston, A. G. Dexter and James T. Ames, directors, 'with E. 0. Carter
as clerk. A short time before his death, Hon. Samuel Hooper, of Boston,
purchased a large interest, his stock being subsequently bought by Messrs.' Arrick and
The new president will be remembered for his sharp contest with General Dyer,
two or three years ago, and is· best known in military circles as the owner of the
Eureka projectile which is now being tested by the ordnance department at
Washington; so far with very satisfactory results. Should the government approve this projectile, its
manufacture will be brought to these works and insure-a material increase of the
present working force of 350. At present the Company is manufacturing bronze statuary,
for which the works are· widely noted, fancy swords of which from 50 to 10_0 per day
are produced, machinists' tools and special machinery. The whole history of the
Company has been a prosperous one, the dividends from January, 1847, to April,
1871, aggregating 432 per cent. During the war and immediately after they ranged
from 20 to
35 per cent.
The Gaylord Company, manufacturers of cabinet locks and malleable iron
castings, are located just above the works of the Ames Company. Their corporate
existence dates back only from 1863, but their business dates back to 1856, when
Emerson Gay lord, who for fifteen years previous had been employed as a workman
and contractor for the Ames Company, bought out its interest in the manufacture
of military accoutrements; fire hose and leather belting, and set up for himself,
employing only three or four hands. In July, 1859, he received the contract for
the construction of all the mail bags used by the general government, a contract renewed
in 1863 and again in 1867 and this at once gave a great impetus to his business. At the opening of the
War the government called upon him for supplies, a new mill was erected, the working
force increased to 400, and every nerve strained to meet the demand. Growing out of
this came the organization of the Company having a capital ·stock of $100,000, with
Emerson Gaylord as president, Jerome Wells as treasurer, and Messrs.
Gaylord, Wells, T. W. Carter, James T. Ames and E. N. Snow as directors. Like
most institutions of the class they reaped a rich harvest from the war, and after it was
over were in good shape to undertake the manufacture of cabinet locks, a
difficult and rarely successful work, but one in which their success was all that
could be wished. They now make over 2,000,000 locks per year, in 350 styles. The
Company has undergone few changes. Sereno Gaylord, brother of Emerson,
succeeded Mr. Wells as treasurer in 1864, and was succeeded by A. F. Gaylord, son of
the president of the Company, in
1870. The firm at present employs about 60 hands. James L. Pease is agent
of the corporation.
A business wonderful in its growth, and remarkable in its prosperity, is that of S.
Blaisdell, Jr. & Co., whose modest office is close by the Chicopee Junction Depot. Its origin dates back to 1863, when George Mattoon and Andrew Hubbard engaged in the
Cotton waste business, at Chicopee Falls. Mr. Hubbard died not long after, and in 1865
It was removed to Chicopee, and Mr. Mattoon continued the business alone, untill868,
when S. Blaisdell, Jr. joined him, the firm name being Mattoon & Blaisdell, and so
continuing until Mr. Mattoon's retirement in May, 1872. At the time the new co-
partnership was formed, the firm had a capital of $10,000, and did a yearly business of
from $30,000 to $50,000. In less than two years; this was increased over 100 per
cent, and the two following years saw it again doubled. Since that time, its growth has
been even more rapid, and during the twelve montl1s ending April 30, 1875, the sales aggregated more
than a million of dollars, those for the last three months of it reaching the sum
of $350,000. The capital stock is now $150,000. The freight bills of the firm for
the year, were upwards of $37,000; their telegraph bills, 75 per cent of the total business of
The town. The cotton waste business has long been one of secondary importance,
their trade being principally in cotton itself, which they receive direct from the cotton
sheds, through every port in the South, from Norfolk, Va., to New Orleans and
Galveston. They make a specialty of supplying extra fine cotton to manufacturers
of fine under· wear, and deal largely in fine waste, to be mixed with wool for spinning
purposes. They do likewise a considerable business in paper stock and paper, and
anticipate, for the coming year, a trade largely in excess of anything hitherto. The
firm at present consists of the three brothers, S. Jar, Charles M. and George A.
Half a mile west of the Chicopee Junction Depot of the Connecticut River Railroad,
and in plain view of it, is the extensive carriage manufacturing establishment of
Edison Clark. The business was started about twenty years ago, in two buildings;
one sixty feet in length, and two stories in height, and the other sixty-five feet long,
and a story and a half high. The works at present occupy four separate buildings,
two and three stories high, and respectively, one hundred by twenty-five feet, ninety
by twenty-five, eighty-five by twenty-five, and sixty-five by thirty-five. About
thirty men are employed, and the business done exceeds that of any other carriage
manufactory in the State, outside of Boston, amounting yearly to something more
than $40,000. All sorts of light work, buggies, carryalls, etc., are built, and nothing
is allowed to go out which is not in every respect first-class work... Most of the
workmen are employed steadily, year in and year out, instead of being discharged at
the close of the busy sea· son, insuring a reliable force of competent men at all times.
In the same line is the establishment ·of W. H. Gilmore, at the intersection of
summer and Cross. Streets, just outside the business section of Chicopee. A single
small building, now used as a wood shop, sufficed for its beginnings in 1842, since which it
has been three times enlarged, and the two or three hands, at first employed, have been
in creased to from eighteen to :twenty-five, according to the demands of the season.
Formerly Mr. Gilmore as engaged largely in building heavy wagons, his goods having
the very· highest reputation, and being sold largely at the South. Recently he has
confined himself principally to lighter work, his sales some years reaching $10,000 or
more, but has never sacrificed his reputation for perfect maternal and honest work.
His goods are mostly marketed in this vicinity, though occasional sales are made at the
West and South, and some have been sent as far off as California.
Byrt & Bullens, tanners and curriers, do business on the bank of the Connecticut
river, opposite the Chicopee Junction depot, and have been so occupied for the past
twelve years, employing from five to ten men and using from 100 to 200 sides of leather
weekly, mostly' calfskins, their business being principally in harness and suspender
B. Leavitt is one of the oldest, if not the oldest manufacturer in Chicopee, now
actively engaged in business, having occupied his present location between the
establishments of the Ames· and Gaylord manufacturing companies, for more than
forty years, his yearly business varying from $5,000.00 to $20,000.00. He formerly
made both bobbins and shuttles, but for some years past has confined himself to
bobbins, supplying the home demand and something beyond it.
At the head of the local bar, is George D. Robinson, for nearly twenty years a
resident of the town, a practicing lawyer for the past nine years, and for a like number
Previously, principal of the High School. Mr. Robinson was a member of the
Legislature of 1874, and was last fall a candidate for a second term, when he ran
largely ahead of his ticket, but failed of an election. His office is in Cabot Hall block.
In the same block is the office of Luther White, for the past five or six years a
successful practitioner. He is a young man yet, and has held no public office except
that of school committee.
L. E. Hitchcock, who has his office in Kendall’s block on Market Square, was
admitted to the bar about a year ago.
Jonathan Allen, a graduate of the office of E. B. Maynard, of Springfield, has been in
practice in Chicopee about eighteen months. He has just opened an office in Burke's new
block on lower Exchange Street.
H. L. Sherman is also a late comer. His office is with Mr. Robinson.
Chicopee's only bakery is that of W. C. Wedge & Co., who have been in business
for the past fourteen years on Center street. As patentees and manufacturers of Wedge's
rotary oven, the firm has a reputation far beyond its local limits.
The First National, formerly the Cabot Bank, has a capital of $150,000.00, with
a large surplus. The following are its officers: President, Jerome Wells; cashier,
F. B. Doten; directors, Jerome Wells, T. W. Carter, Emerson Gaylord, Erastus
Stebbins, and E. 0. Carter. The Cabot Bank was instituted March 1, 1845, John
Chase being its first president.
The Chicopee Savings Bank was organized in 1854 with Jerome Wells as president and
Henry H. Harris as treasurer. The latter has held his office ever since. Mr. Wells
retired at the close of last year. The present official board is constituted as
follows: President, George D. Robinson; vice-presidents, E. 0. Carter, A. G. Parker,
Emerson Gaylord, G. H. Chapman; secretary, George V. Wheelock; treasurer,
Henry B. Harris; trustees, Benning Leavitt, J. A. Dennison, George S. Taylor, N.
Cutler, John B. Wood, C. M Kendall, E. Stebbins, Lewis M. Ferry, John Dixon, George
V. Wheelock,. A.S. Hunter, A. F. Gaylord. The present location is in Kendall's
new block, opposite the Town Hall, to which it removed in December last, having
previously been kept in the same building with the First National Bank. It has at
present 1,250 depositors with an aggregate of $4:43,266 deposits.
E. M. Alden, Merchants' row, is proprietor of the only bookstore in Chicopee,
combined with which is an extensive circulating library, and large stationery and
newspaper department. Mr. Alden has been engaged in his present business, which
he has built up with much energy, since 1870. He is, and has been for many years,
the local agent of the American Express Company.
J. Stackpole, an old and esteemed resident of the town, opened about a year ago a·
news and variety store on Center street. .Mr. Stackpole makes the sale and repairing
of clocks something of a specialty. He l1as lately taken a partner, the firm at present
being J. Stackpole & Co.
Three barbers do the legitimate shaving for Chicopee people, Charles H. Blackmer,
who has prominent and attractive quarters in Temple’s block, R. A. Page and
T Cronin?
Prominent in his line is Mr. W. L. Blackmer, who came to Chicopee in 1861, and
after four years' service in the employ of the Gaylord Manufacturing Company opened
a fancy goods store on the site of the Masonic Hall block. This he sold· in 1869,
and entered upon his present business on Exchange street. Mr. Blackmer does a large
custom business in men's fine work.
Farther down Exchange street J. O'Donnell is doing a considerable business in
boots and shoes.
Other prominent dealers are Chapman & Folsom, S. W. Parshley and W. P.
Carlos Allen, the popular coal dealer, has his office in Temple's block and does a
large business. A. B. Abbey, R. W. Bemis and Jolt Dixon are also engaged in it.
Messrs. Mead & Richards are engaged in the business of putting down the
popular concrete paving, and will respond promptly to orders from any part of
the country.
In the line of custom clothing, Chicopee bas something to be proud or in the
establishment of J. P. Buckingham, who has been engaged in the business there
over 20 years, sometimes, as at present, alone, though more frequently with a
partner. He formerly kept a line of ready-made clothing, but now limits
himself to custom work and furnishings. Mr. Buckingham usually employs
from twelve to fifteen hands.
J. M. Lane and B. Moffit are engaged in the same business. Hitchcock
& Hosley is the only American house engaged in the ready-made clothing
business. The senior partner, Harvey Hitchcock, started the business about
years ago at the stand now occupied by the firm, and in May, 1866, were joined
by Mr. James E. Hosley. They deal to some extent in boots and shoes, and
are located in Bullens' block on Exchange street.
Chicopee's three drug stores are all of long standing, but the honor of
seniority among the present dealers belongs to W. W. Johnson, who has been
engaged _in the business in Cabot Hall block, on Market square since August, 1861.
Mr. Johnson has been a resident of the town for 40 years, and was postmaster during
the administrations of Presidents Pierce and Buchanan.
Warren Smith has occupied his present stand on Exchange street for the
past ten. years. He has been a resident of Chicopee most of the time since 1853.
Hooker & Co. are later comers, occupying the Exchange street store where Dr.
Roudiez was previously
The house of Warren S. Bragg & Co., the Company consisting of Jerome Wells
and F. B. Doten, cashier of the First National Bank, is confessedly the leading
one in the dry goods trade in Chicopee. Located on the corner of Exchange
street and Market square, on the site where it was first established by Mr. Wells
nearly forty years ago, it occupies three large and commodious stores in Cabot
Hall block, one being devoted to dry goods, the second to the carpet trade, and
the third to the hardware business. From a yearly business of $40,000 in 1865,
the firm showed one of $110,000 in 1873, and now count safely upon one of
$100,000 or more yearly.
A. J. Jenks was formerly with Bragg & Co., but went into business for himself
on the opposite side of Exchange street, about three years ago. Later he bought
out Hale
& Oakes and removed to the stand in Bullens' block on the same street, formerly
occupied by them, where he is now carrying on a large and prosperous business.
John B. Wood, whose dry goods establishment is located on the corner of
Exchange and Center streets, is one of the old business men of Chicopee, He
came here in 1850 from Holyoke, having served his apprenticeship in a country
variety store in Ireland Parish, and was for thirteen years engaged in the grocery
business, after which he entered upon his present line of trade. In both he has
been very prosperous. For the past ten years Mr. Wood has filled the office of
tax collector.
C. H..Merrick on Exchange street, is the only other dealer of note.
The furniture business in Chicopee is limited to the spacious warerooms of Lafayette Temple in
Temple's block on Center Street. YEars ago the business was carried on by Josiah
Whitney, and afterwards passed into the hands of Hosley & Co., Mr. Temple
being the junior. member of the firm for nine years, and for the past four months
sole proprietor. He carries a stock valued at from $12,000 to $13,000, and does
large undertakers’ and picture frame business. The establishment has always
done a safe and fairly remunerative trade.
The Bullens family was the pioneers in the grocery business of Chicopee, and is identified
more than any others with its mercantile history. As far back as 1838, the
business was established by the four brothers, E. A. I, I. M., on the site now
occupied by Isaac Bullens & Sons, on the corner Of Exchange and Cabot streets.
Their business was immense for those times, amounting to $100,000 a year, and
they were reckoned the largest retail grocers in the State outside of Boston.
Later the brothers separated, each taking a separate line of the business. The
junior members of the present firm of I. Bullens & Sons, are I. Newton Bullens, who
has been associated with his father for some twenty-three years, nod Lewis C.,
who was a1lmittell to partnership about four years ago.· All the American grocers
in Chicopee were trained in this store. Dullens & Sons do a large business, and
carry a considerable line of crockery.
C. A. Bullens, representing- another branch of the family, also conducts a large
grocery business nearby, and is proprietor of Exchange Hall, which has a seating capacity
of about 400.
Carter & Spaulding at present do the largest grocery business in Chicopee, their
location on Market square being one of the best in the town, and their business
having increased every year since they first opened. The present firm dates
back ten years
Mr. Carter having been in the business alone for three years preceding.
Other prominent dealers in this branch are P. Rourke, corner of West and Emerald
streets, and Lankton & Pond, on Exchange street.
The Cabot House, kept for the past eleven years by W. H. Dickinson, is
located on Front street opposite the Town Hall, and close by the Center depot.
1t is well kept, and has a good feeding stable connected with it.
The Chicopee House, kept by Merrick Abbe, is near the Junction depot.
C. F. Kent, near the head of Exchange street, carries a well selected $10,000.00
stock of watches and Jewelry. Previous to entering on his present business, Mr.
Kent kept a drug store for fifteen or twenty years.
E. A. Gallupe occupies a portion of E. M. Alden's store on Market Square, and
carries on a watch repairing and general jewelry business.
W. E. Wheeler has carried on a large livery business at his Exchange street
stand for the past ten years, and for a year past has combined with it a
considerable trade in harness and trunks. He also supplies brass foundries
largely with sand for cores, his tra1le in this line reaching from Montreal to
,V, II. Dickinson's stable, near Mr. Wheeler's, is also an old and prosperous
stand as are those of R Corey in the same vicinity, and Merrick Abbe who is
located at the Chicopee House near the Junction depot.
The oldest meat market is that of J. A. Denison & Co. on Cabot street, where it has
been established for thirty years or more. Mr. Denison himself
withdrew from the business in 1873, leaving the firm name to the present proprietors John D. White,
W.P. Ferry and A. E. Jones.
J. U. McClench is also one of the veteran marketmen of the town, having been
for many years on Center street, and lately in his new block on Exchange street
W. S. Wood has lately started the business on Center street, where he is
building up
a prosperous trade.
Stoddard & Stedman have been in the same line for five or six years.
The fish and oyster business is carried on by Quimby & Beckwith who, not long
since, bought out George Barrett's old stand on Exchange street, and by N.
Cleveland who opened last September on Center street, near the head of Exchange.
Misses A. & A. McQuade have not been long in the millinery business, but are
building up a large and prosperous trade at their establishment in Dixon's
block on the corner of Exchange and Dwight streets.
Other millinery houses are those of Mrs. A. B. Bagg, Miss A. J. Fuller, John
Mrs. I. F. Connor and J. & M. Follis.
W D. Manchester & Co., Center street, do all kinds of painting and decorative
paper hanging. Mr. Manchester has been engaged in the business for eight
years, most of the time without a partner, and has prospered.
Frank 0. Dayton has opened a shop this Spring on Exchange street. He was, for
about two years with Mr. Manchester and pursues the same general line of
The only established picture gallery in Chicopee, is that of W. S. Butler, on the
corner of Exchange and Cabot streets, an old and prosperous stand.
Few men of any station in life, are more highly esteemed than the veteran,
Michael McDermot, who resides on Spruce street, and is responsible for a great
many firs t class jobs performed during the past ten or fifteen years.
G. V. Wheelock, the only job printer in Chicopee, is located in Cabot Hall block,
does good work, and keeps two men steadily employed.
The need of an up-town restaurant has been met by Mr. C. N. Manchester, who
has just opened on Center street, nearly opposite Temple Block, the most finely
fitted up dining-rooms the town has yet known.
H. Cogswell has been for the past six years located at the old stand, on
Exchange street, where William G. Bliss, for a quarter of a century previous, carried
on the stove and tinware business. .Mr. Cogswell came originally from Keene,
N. H., and before going to Chicopee, had charge of the work department of D.
B. Montague's Establishment at Springfield. He manufactures tinware
extensively, and does a large business otherwise.
A. M. Moore, successor to Southworth & Moore, is located, in a handsome
brick block, on the north side of Exchange street, and divides the stove trade with
Mr. Cogswell. This establishment, like that of the latter, dates back a number of
years, though it has passed through several changes, Mr. Simon G. Southworth
retiring from the firm about a year ago.
Clark W. Bryan and Co.
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Chicopee, MA
Temporal Coverage
“Chicopee, Chicopee City Directory, 1875-1876,” Chicopee Archives Online, accessed March 26, 2025,