Full-text coverage of the Boston Globe from 1980 to current.
Provider: MBLC
Subject: Current Events, Newspapers
Analyzes hundreds of controversial topics and provides more than 650 in-depth articles on current issues in the news in a language and format for students. Features include weekly updates, new articles added biweekly, “Issues: Pro and Con” lists that highlight important debate topics, “By Numbers”statistical overviews of key issues, research topics, “What Happened That Day” and other features.
Provider: Chicopee Public Library
Subject: Current Events
Enjoy a FREE subscription to the NYTimes.com. Just create an account with NYTimes.com if you don’t already have one. If you are in the library, all you need to do is login. If you are accessing it remotely use the code below.
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code: 2356eb59856ec3b7
Provider: Chicopee Public Library
Subject: Current Events, Newspapers
Complete full text content of the New York Times cover to cover, including obituaries.
Provider: MBLC
Subject: Genealogy, History, Newspapers
Complete full text content of Massachusetts newspapers including: North Adams Advocate, Amherst Bulletin, Berkshire Eagle, Daily Hampshire Gazette, North Adams Transcript, Greenfield Recorder, Springfield Republican, Springfield Advocate, Springfield Examiner, Sunday Republican, Springfield Union News, Easthampton Valley Advocate. Paid advertisements are excluded.
Provider: Chicopee Public Library
Subject: Current Events, Genealogy, Newspapers
This resource provides viewpoint articles along with topic overviews, full-text magazine and academic articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, and much more.
Provider: MBLC
Subject: Current Events
Complete full text content of local and regional news, community events, schools, politics, cultural activities and people in the community. Paid advertisements are excluded.
Provider: MBLC
Subject: Newspapers
Access to the Springfield Republican Digital Archive is now available through the Springfield Public Library. It may be accessed remotely with a CW MARS library card. If you are trying to access it within the Chicopee Public Library, it must be done so in the Computer Lab. Please visit the Reference Desk for help.
Access The Wall Street Journal from anywhere! Simply click here to create your account, and you can start using wsj.com immediately. Your access will be available for the next 3 days. After 3 days, simply come back and click the above link again and login as an existing user with the same username and password you originally created.
Provider: Chicopee Public Library
Subject: Current Events, Newspapers