Happy Monday, Everyone! Here are four interesting things you want to know about:
To kick off National Library Week a bunch of local librarians had a flash freeze mob at the Holyoke Mall on Sunday. 75 people froze in place reading a book, leaving mall goers to wonder, “What are they doing?” Check out this video:
Spring break is right around the corner. On Wednesday April 20 at 1:00, professional artist, Andy Fish, will be here giving a presentation on manga art and a drawing lesson. If you like manga, if you like drawing, or if you just want to do something different with your Wednesday, you should definitely check this out. Learn more about Andy here: http://www.hebsandfish.com/Andy.html
Figment.com continues their celebration of School Library Month, with another contest.
This week’s writing prompt is: Romance happens in unusual places. Write a story or poem in fewer than 750 words (short and sweet!) about two people who meet in an unusual or downright bizarre location.
This week’s judge is Alyson Noel, author of the Immortals series (Evermore, Blue Moon, etc.)For more info and to enter this contest, go here: http://blog.figment.com/category/contests/
Last, but no
t least, Young Adult authors Cassandra Clare and Holly Black will be speaking and signing books at the Odyssey Bookshop in South Hadley on Friday April 22 at 7 pm. Each has just released a new book, City of Fallen Angels, and Red Glove, respectively. If you’ve read anything by either of these fantastic authors, you should come to this event. I’m planning to go!