Special Collections: The (Not Entirely) Secret Desk Ornaments of Librarians
This exhibit came to me in a dream. No, really. I was asked to put together an exhibit for January, and I agreed knowing that I’d have a few months to figure it out. I’m prone to stress-dreams; they usually take the form of: 'it’s the end of the semester, you signed up for Advanced French [I don’t speak French], you never attended class, and now you’re failing and there’s no way to fix it.' Super fun. After I agreed to put an exhibit together, I immediately had a dream that it was suddenly January, I’d forgotten about the exhibit, and now my coworker and I were scuttling around the Library with burlap sacks, stealing the tchotchkes off coworker’s desks to put on display. It was very cartoonish and honestly hilarious, and out of that dream (and sharing it with coworkers), this very real exhibit came to be. Librarians are fun people. We’re a little weird, and we also tend to collect things. The things on our desks not only enliven our spaces, but also tend to have stories attached to them. Some were gifted by patrons or friends, others were acquired in the wild and brought in. Whatever they are and however they came to be on our desks, we hope you enjoy them as much as we do. This was a collaborative project in every possible way, and it couldn’t have come together without the help of everyone at the Chicopee Public Library—especially Chuck, who mediated between myself and the printer. Thanks, y’all, for going along with my deeply silly idea.