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  • Collection: The Patrick E. Bowe Nursery School Scrapbook

Two children ride a tricycle while others play nearby on the exterior steps to the Bowe School.

A boy looks at the camera while other children play outside on the exterior steps to the Bowe School. Off to the left is another child hugging the boy looking at the camera.

Portrait of a young boy as he looks at the camera while other children play outside on the exterior steps to the Bowe School. Off to the left is another child with an arm around the boy looking at the camera.

Two photographs combined on one print of children sitting on the exterior steps to the Bowe School. The children are lined up and some are looking at the camera and some are looking around.

Portrait of a young girl looking at the camera while other children play outside on the exterior steps to the Bowe School.

Three children outside the school near the steps. Two young girls looking at each other and smiling with a young boy looking at them from the back right of the photograph.

two photos: Jane Puc pulls on her jacket outside, and Emily Mika plays with a truck in the grass

Barbara McCoy "can't quite figuere [sic.] it out."

Single image of Barbara McCoy and another girl playing in the sand. Text on back says "Barbaba McCoy can't quite figuere [sic.] it out."

two photos: one of Maureen Faurest and Dolores Puc, one of Willie Olejarz

Diptych of children at play. The image on the left shows Maureen Faurest and Dolores Puc playing in a large pile of sand. The image on the right shows Willie Olejarz standing on top of a hill with his ams streached out questioningly.

Two children play in the snow. One, facing the camera, has his eyes closed and is making a face. He is holding a large chunk of snow. The second child has their back to the camera and appears to be watching the boy with the snow.

2 teddy bears, a wooden train, and other toys - "Dorothy's Playthings"

Single image of thirteen children playing in the sand with toys and each other.

Single image of 18 children in a sitting in a circle in the sunshine. Some look at the camera and some do not.

two photos: the class photo on the steps of the Bowe Nursery School, and Charlotte McCoy takes off her snowpants and snow boots

The Class - 18 children in a circle in the sunshine

6 children playing in the school yard, St. George Church in the background

6 children playing in the school yard, St. George Church in the background

Single photograph showing Raymond Pucharka trying his hat on Paul Giguere.

Five children standing in a sandy play area looking around and each other. Text on back reads, "something interesting going on here."

Five children - "Something interesting going on here."

2 children in the kitchen play space in the Classroom

two photos of 11 classmates sitting on the exterior steps of the Bowe School

two photos of classmates sitting on the exterior steps to the Bowe School

20 children sit on the steps of the Bowe School - "After a hard day's play."

Single image of a group of 19 children sitting on the steps of the Bowe School. Caption on the back of the print reads, "After a hard day's play."

diptych of children playing on the outdoor slide a the Bowe School. The top image show two children climbing the ladder to the top and the bottom image shows three children. At the top, one child is in motion sliding down the slide while two…

15 children standing on the snowy hill behind the Bowe School

12 children at play on the snowy hill behind the Bowe School

8 children play in the snow, a woman looks on, an adult (a man?) in the distant background

Outside the Bowe School, Jane Puc gets a hug from Edward Korzeniowski, Emily Mika stands to the left, George Frederick stands on the hill above

6 children at play on the steps to the Bowe School

children play outside the exterior steps to the Bowe School

children play outside the exterior steps to the Bowe School

children play outside the exterior steps to the Bowe School

children play outside the exterior steps to the Bowe School

children play outside the exterior steps to the Bowe School

children play outside the exterior steps to the Bowe School

two photos: 2 children on the outdoor slide, and 3 children on the outdoor slide

two photos: "Willie" Olejarz digs in the sand, and Willie Olejarz tips his cap with 2 children in the background

4 children play in the snow, an adult (a man?) looks on in the background

two photos of children outside: Jane Puc gets a hug from Edward Korzeniowski, Emily Mika stands to the right, and a boy gives a girl a hug, other children in the background

two photos: Raymond Picharka plays with a truck in the sand, and Donald Wilson and Mary Jane Jackowski play with wheelbarrows

two photos: one of Emily Mika digging in the sand, and one of Emily & Walter Mika digging in the sand with 1 boy in the background

two photos: 5 children play around a rope climb pole, an a girl and a boy share a swing

two photos of children at play outside: one of Willie Olejarz, one of Tommy Golba, Grace Marie McLeavy, Eddie Stefanik, Eddie Zdon, Freddie Olejarz and Willie Olejarz

two photos: one of 3 children rolling can down a hill, one of 2 children sharing a can to roll

two photos: one of 2 or 3 boys with a tricycle, and one of a girl riding a tricycle

Diptych of children outside: In the image on the left Jane Puc gets a hug from Edward Korzeniowski, Emily Mika stands to the right. A boy gives a girl a hug while other children play in the background.

Diptych of Raymond Picharka playing with a truck in the sand in the left image. Donald Wilson and Mary Jane Jackowski play with wheelbarrows in the right image.

A diptych of children at play outside. The image on the left shows Willie Olejarz playing with a toy truck., The other image shows Tommy Golba, Grace Marie McLeavy, Eddie Stefanik, Eddie Zdon, Freddie Olejarz and Willie Olejarz playing in the dirt.

Diptych of a girl and a boy sharing a swing. The boy is looking at the girl and as the girl looks at the camera.

two photos of a girl (Dorlores Puc?) on a swing

two photos of indoor activities: one of a boy on a slide, one of a girl at a piano

Two children, not looking at the camera, outside on the top steps of the school. An older woman can be seen through one of the door windows. 

"Paul Giguere falls asleep on a full stomach"

Raymond Pucharka tries his hat on Paul Giguere
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