Browse Items
- "Hard to Handle" - 4 patients (3 with military uniform caps) identified with numbers in image and names on the back as "1-Gus
- "Lady" enjoys sugar from "yours truly" (Nurse Linda C. Baker?) - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- "Olaf E. Dahl
- "The Picnic on Macgregor Road in the big white car" five Nurses (one wearing an officer's cap) and one officer - south of Camp MacArthur - Waco
- 1 Nurse
- 12 women in civilian dress
- 1914-1918
- 1914-1918; Horses; Camp MacCarthur; United States. Army; United States. Army Nurse Corps.;
- 1918-1919
- 2-Issac
- 2.75 x 4.25 inches
- 3 doctors (?)
- 3 men in military uniform
- 3 nurses
- 3 officers
- 3 x 2.5 inches
- 3 x 4.5 inches
- 3 x 5.25 inches
- 3-myself (Lt. Heer?)" playing Craps
- 3.25 x 3.25 inches
- 3.25 x 4.25 inches
- 33rd Congress of US
- 4 woman in civilian dress stand beside a Model T -Camp MacArthur - Waco
- 4 x 2.25 inches
- 4.25 x 2.5 inches
- 4.25 x 3.25 Inches
- 4.5 x 2.75 inches
- 4.5 x 3 inches
- 5.5 x 3.5 inches
- 5.75 x 3.75 inches
- 7 patients - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- 8 nurses standing outside base building - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- 8 women in civilian dress
- A humorous photo of a man dressed in an overstuffed patient's garment with crutches and a beanie
- A Little Sugar
- A nurse sitting on the exterior stairs to a base building - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- A nurse standing outside the Isolation Ward - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- A patient and a man in military uniform standing outside a base hospital building
- A Patient sitting on the porch outside a base hospital building - "Frank Bauman" - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- A. Jameson
- A.E. Bigelow
- A.E. Hanes
- A.G. Stevens
- A.L. McKinstry
- A.W.Griswold
- Abell MD
- Abigail S. Bartlett
- Abner B. Abbey
- Adolphus G. Parker
- Advertisements
- African Americans
- Agriculture
- Albert B. Hoyt
- Albert M. Gardner
- Albert Walker
- Albro Clark
- Alex Wadsworth Company
- Allen Johnson
- Allen Judd
- Alonzo Wait
- Amaziah Bullens
- American Colinization Society
- American Party
- Ames Company
- Ames Manufacturing Company
- and 8 patients - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- and a nurse holding a baby doll
- and five nurses gathered around seated nurse (Head?) and Base Commander (?) in front of base building
- and Nurse Baker (?) - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- Annibel of Carthaginian
- Annual Prersidential Address to Congress
- Armory Doolittle
- Art Classes
- Asher Bartlett
- Astronomy
- at rest - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- Atlantic Hall
- Austin Chapin
- B.A. Story
- B.B. Belcher
- B.H. Bailey
- Base Buildings
- Beauty Tips
- Benjamin F. Brown
- Benning Leavitt
- Bereavement & Grief
- Betsey Phillips
- Bibliography
- Binford McDak (?)
- Biographical Essays
- Birth Notices
- black and white photographic print
- Boarding House
- Boy
- Building Plans
- building under construction (Red Cross Convalescent House?) at Camp MacArthur - Waco
- Bushmen of South Africa
- Byron Holmes
- C.H. Howe
- C.S. Stiles
- Cabot & West Springfield Bridge Co.
- Cabot Hall
- Cabot House
- Cabot Institute
- Cabot Savings Bank
- Cabotville
- Caleb Chapin
- Calvin Chase
- Camp Waco 01
- Camp Waco 02
- Camp Waco 03
- Camp Waco 04
- Camp Waco 05
- Camp Waco 06
- Camp Waco 07
- Camp Waco 08
- Camp Waco 09
- Camp Waco 10
- Camp Waco 11
- Camp Waco 12
- Camp Waco 13
- Camp Waco 14
- Camp Waco 15
- Camp Waco 16
- Camp Waco 17
- Camp Waco 18
- Camp Waco 19
- Camp Waco 20
- Capital Punishment
- Captain McClallan
- Captain N. Chapin
- Captain S.B. Fairbanks
- Cassius Clay
- Charle Calnan
- Charles B. Eastman
- Charles Brainard
- Charles Chapin
- Charles Dickens
- Charles Ladd
- Charles McGregor
- Charles Sherman Esq.
- Charles Sumner
- Chicopee Board of Health
- Chicopee Boot & Shoe Co.
- Chicopee Canals
- Chicopee Center
- Chicopee Central Baptist Society
- Chicopee Cotton Mill Workers
- Chicopee Cotton Workers
- Chicopee Factory Girls
- Chicopee Falls
- Chicopee Fire Department
- Chicopee Floods
- Chicopee High School
- Chicopee House
- Chicopee Literary & Debating Club
- Chicopee Lodge of Free Masons
- Chicopee Manufacturing Company
- Chicopee Map
- Chicopee Massachusetts
- Chicopee Mill Workers
- Chicopee Mills
- Chicopee Paper Mill
- Chicopee Public Health
- Chicopee Public Library
- Chicopee Public Library Historic Photographs Collection
- Chicopee Public Schools
- Chicopee River
- Chicopee Savings Bank
- Chicopee Steam Boiler Works
- Chicopee Town Elections
- Chicopee Town Meeting
- Chicopee Unitarian Society
- Chicopee Vital Statistics Record
- Chinese Emigration
- Chipewa Indians
- Cholera in Chicopee
- City Directories
- Civil War Soldier
- Clark Albro
- Closson Pendelton
- Colt Pistol Patent
- Cornelius C. O'Keefe
- Cotton Ely
- D. & J. Martin
- D.B. Montague
- D.F. Randall
- Daniel Webster
- David B. Potts
- Death & Dying
- Death Notices
- Democratic Party
- Dexter Howard
- Dr. John R. Wilbur
- Draper Loom
- Dwight Mill
- Dwight Mills & Manufacturing Co.
- E.F. Brown
- E.H. Carpenter
- E.P. Kimball
- Edna Bates
- Edward Brennan
- Edward P. Mosman
- Edward Ryan
- Eleazer Warner Jr.
- Eli B. Clark
- Elihu Adams
- Ellen Collins
- Emelius S. Albro
- Emerson Gaylord
- Encampment of Volunteer Mass. Militia
- Enrichment Classes
- Ephrain E. Nute Jr.
- Erastus Stebbins
- Exchange Hall
- Exterior of the Red Cross Convalescent House - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- Ezikiel Blake
- Family
- Fanny Morton
- Fashion
- Female Cotton Workers
- Fiction
- Fourth of July
- Francis Lyman
- Frank Randall
- Franklin House
- Franklin Perry
- Franklin Pierce
- Frederick Douglass
- Free People of Color
- Free Soilers Party
- Friendship
- Fusion Party
- G.M. Bigelow
- Gaylord Emerson
- George Arms
- George Chapin
- George Chapman
- George Cook
- George D. Lund
- George L. Squire
- George M. Stearns Esq.
- George Matoon
- George Perkins
- George Rumtill
- George S. Taylor
- George Sheldon
- Giles E. Houghton
- Giles S. Chapin Esq.
- Grace Darling
- Grace Episcopalian Church
- H.C. Chapin
- H.C. Rich
- H.H. Phetteplace
- H.R. Burlingame
- H.R. Smith
- Hadley Falls Company
- Hard to Handle
- Harriet Newell
- Harry Howe
- Health Issues
- Henry A. Goff
- Henry Beecher Stowe
- Henry Churchill
- Henry Clay
- Henry Closson
- Henry Crooks
- Henry Gates
- Henry H. Harris
- Henry H. Jewell
- Henry M. Whittaker
- Henry Ward Beecher
- Hiram Davis
- Historic Newspapers
- Historical Newspapers
- Hobart Beach
- Horace Greeley
- Horace Mann
- Horace Pearsons
- Horace Wright
- horse and officer (Lieut. Heer
- Hospital Ward
- Hugh Smith
- Humor
- Idioms & Proverbs
- Illness
- Inside Ward Three
- Interior of a hospital ward
- Interior of base hospital ward
- Ira M. Bullens
- Irville Irwin Leslie Editor
- Irving Washington
- Isaac M. Bullens
- J.A. Maxfield
- J.D. Stevenson
- J.E. Carpenter
- J.K. Mills
- J.M. Bullens
- J.P. Haskell
- J.P. Janes
- J.S. Baggs
- J.S. Robbins
- J.U. McClench
- J.W. Perkins
- J.W. Prouty
- J.W. Woodward
- James Buchanan
- James C. Pratt
- James G. Smith
- James Haines
- James Lyman
- James McMann
- James T. Ames
- James Turner
- Japhet Chapin
- Jeduthan Gleason
- Jerome Wells
- Jerome Williams
- Jerry Ahern
- John A. Dennison
- John Abbey
- John B. Butts
- John B. Woods
- John C. Calhoun
- John Chase Esq.
- John Crooks
- John D. Butts
- John D. Vinton
- John E. Marsh
- John Gardner
- John H. Smith
- John Mahau
- John P. Spaulding
- John Stanley
- John Valentine
- John Wells Esq.
- Jona C. Bowker
- Jonathan Jones
- Jonathan Priestly
- Jonathan R. Childs Esq.
- Jonathan Swift
- Joseph B. McCune
- Joseph D. Ashton
- Joseph E. Blaisdale
- Kansas-Nebraska Bill 1854
- Kate Cameron
- Know-Nothing Party
- L. Allen Kingsbury
- L. Jenks
- L. Lane
- L. Vanhorn
- L.A. Kingsley
- L.G. Currier
- L.H. Brigham
- L.M. Pinkham
- L.W. Howard
- Lady
- Lady and Boy
- Lane's Hall
- Legal Notices
- Leroy White
- Letter to the Editor
- Lewis M. Ferry
- Lewis Marsh
- Librarians-- Chicopee (Mass.)
- Lieut. Heer (Wisconsin 32nd Div.)
- Linda C. Baker
- Lizzie Brigham
- Loman A. Moody
- Lord Byron
- Lost Love
- Louis Atwood
- Love & Romance
- Lucius Harthan Esq.
- Lucretia Maria Davidson
- MA Arms Co.
- MA Capital Punishment
- MA Death Penalty
- MA Liquor Law
- MA State Constitutional Convention
- MA State Elections
- MA State Newspaper Convention
- Madison E. Willey
- Madison Kendall Esq.
- many nurses in the background - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- Margaret Douglas
- Marriage
- Marshall S. Pease
- Martin J. Severance Esq.
- Mary A Fitz
- Mary Allen
- Mary Russell Mitford
- Mary Ryan
- Massachusetts > Hampden (county) > Chicopee; Texas > McLennan (county) > Waco
- Mathew Blaisdale
- Maurice Landers
- Memories
- Merzi Rolli
- Michael Canty
- Michael Conner
- Michael Shannon
- Minor Kelley
- Miss E.A. Armstrong
- Miss E.M. Chandler
- Miss J. Allen
- Miss L Hermon
- Miss Sigourney
- Mortimer (Mason) D. Whittaker
- Mos Foster
- Moses B. Sargent
- Moses W. Chapin
- Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Harrington
- Mr. & Mrs. Barnubus Cook
- Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Snow
- Mr. & Mrs. E.G. Heath
- Mr. & Mrs. J.A. Martin
- Mr. & Mrs. Rueben Burt
- Mr. & Mrs. William Reed
- Mr. Moulton
- Mr.& Mrs. J.A. Martin
- Mrs. C.F. Damon
- Mrs. Francis Pember
- Mrs. Partington
- Mrs. R.P. Palmeroy
- Mrs. Shanahan
- Mrs. William Blaisdale
- N.W. Cutting
- Napoleon
- Nathaniel Cutler
- Native Americans
- Nature
- Nelson Tyler
- Newton Day
- Non-Fiction
- Nuptuals
- Nurse
- Nurse and Officer with Horse
- Nurse at Base Hospital
- Nurse at Isolation Ward
- Nurse Hudson and Prince
- Nurse Hudson stands with Lieut. Heer (from Wisconsin 32nd Division) and Prince
- Nurse Linda C. Baker
- Nurse Linda C.Baker (?) - creator of scrapbook - Water Towers in background - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- Nurses in Formal Dress
- Nurses in Uniform
- O.S. Lovejoy MD
- Off Duty Activities
- Olaf and Binford
- Old Age
- Olive Leaf Mission Statement
- one dog
- One of the Wounded
- Orin Dudley
- Otis Chapman
- Out for a Drive
- P. Driscoll
- P.K. Hill
- P.L.B. Stickney MD
- Pacific House
- Patient on Porch
- Patrick Gahegen
- Patrick Hall
- Patrick Margaret Fogarty
- Perkins Mill
- Peter L. Holden
- Philos B. Tyler
- Phineas Stedman
- Picnic on Macgregor Road
- Pliney Cadwell
- Poetry
- Police Reports
- Political Parties
- Postcards. Chicopee Archives Online. Chicopee Public Library. Photographs. Digital Images.
- Presidential Election of 1856
- R & J Alexander Fire
- R.2 B.9" - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- R.B. Nagle
- R.E. Robertson
- R.H. Whitney
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Red Cross Convalescent House
- Red Cross Convalescent House in foreground - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- Regiment Chronologies
- Religious Sentiments
- Republic of Liberia
- Republican Party
- Research
- Rev C.H. Webster
- Rev Rufus K. Bellamy
- Rev. Blinkinsop
- Rev. E.H. Chapin
- Rev. George A Oviatt
- Rev. Pettes
- Rev. Warren Lincoln
- Rev. William Rice Jr.
- Richard Collins
- Richard Sage
- Richard W. Roche
- Ripley R. Swift
- Robert E. Bemis
- Robert Johnson
- Roderick C. Tuttle
- Rufus Mosher
- Russell B. Smith
- S. Pendelton
- S.B. Lankton
- S.G. Southworth
- S.L. Loomis
- S.M. Cook
- S.M. Dart
- Samuel Frost
- Samuel H. Atherton
- Samuel Houston
- Samuel L. Shackford
- Samuel Le'Dru
- Sarah Brigham
- Sarah Cooly
- Sebastopol
- Select Tales
- Seymour Bagg
- Shakespeare
- Short Stories
- Silas Mosman
- Slavery
- Smallpox
- Smithsonian Institute
- Songs
- Spinning Wool Patent
- Springfield Cemetary
- Springfield Mechanics Lyceum
- standing outside a base building - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- Stephen E. Cleaves
- Subscription Information
- Sullivan Dickinson
- Sumner Vanhorn
- Sunday Reading
- Sydney Chapin
- Sylvanus Adams Esq.
- T.K. Hervey
- Temperance
- Texas - World War I
- Textile Mills
- Thaddeus Chapin
- Thanksgiving
- the horse
- the horse - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- The Olive Leaf Propectus
- The Redeemed Captive
- Theodore Williams
- Thomas A. Dennison
- Thomas D. Blossom Printer
- Thomas Mansfield
- Thomas McBride
- Thomas Price
- Thomas Vanhorn
- Timothy W. Carter
- Titus Chapin Jr.
- Titus Chapin Sr. Esq.
- Troy & Deerfield Railroad
- Typhoid Fever in Chicopee
- Underground Railroad
- US Territories
- W.F. Webster
- W.W. Johnson
- Walter Palmer
- Warren Smith Esq.
- Washington Monument
- Western Immigration
- Western Territories
- Whig Party
- William Bliss
- William Briggs
- William Dennison
- William E. Wentworth
- William G. Brown
- William G. Smith
- William H. West
- William L. Hitchcock
- William Miller
- William P. Dickinson
- William P. Winkley
- William R. Kentfield
- William Rogers MD
- William Sage
- William Thayer
- William Tory
- William W. Mitchell
- William Wheeler
- Wilson Eddy
- Wisconsin 32nd Div.?)
- with 6 other patients gathered around observing - Camp MacArthur - Waco
- Women & Gender
- Womens' Issues
- Wood & Rupp Printers
- Word Puzzles
- World War
- World War I; World War
- Writing Academy
- Yellow Fever
- Young Men's Institute of Springfield
- Youth's Department