There are six 5x7 inch prints of each of the six seniors on the 1988 team. There is a small 2x3 inch print of the five starters with the schedule of the 1988 season's games on the back and one 5x7 print of the five starters in a pyramid pose at…
A thirty-nine page scrapbook of photographs and newspaper clippings from the 1988 season including team ranking and final season results. Special attention is paid to the Chicopee/Chicopee Comprehensive rivalry.
This scrapbook is filled with photographs taken during the 1986 season of the team during games. The prints are in color and have been placed throughout the scrapbook. Some are cut and cropped to fit and some are the full 4x6 inch prints. They show…
A ninety-two page scrapbook of photographs and newspaper clippings of the 1986 championship season. This scrapbook is more personalized than the others and contains more photographs. It has been kept intact to preserve the original nature of the…
Three original photographic prints taken during the 1985 basketball season. The first image is in color and is of the 1985 team photographed at center court looking down from above, as if on a ladder. The second and third prints are of the whole 1985…
Four original photographic prints taken during the 1984 basketball season. The first image is in color and is of the five seniors on the 1984 team. There is a black and white photograph of Coach Thompson in action surrounded by the team. It is…
Two original color photographic prints taken during the 1982 basketball season. One is a full team photograph and the other is of the three senior captains.
Official Scorebook of the 1979-1980 girl's basketball season. Each entry lists the name of the players and the complete scores and coaches notes of the game played between Chicopee and their opponent. The 1979-1980 season was a championship season…
The Offical Scorebook of the 1987 - 1988 girl's varsity basketball season. The entry lists the individual names of the players as well as the complete scores. Coach notes are provided of the game played between Chicopee and the opponent team. The…
Official Scorebook of the 1986 - 1987 girl's varsity basketball season. Each entry lists the names of the players as well as the complete scores. Coach notes of the game are provided between Chicopee and the opposing team. The 1986 - 1987 season was…
The Official Scorebook of the 1985 - 1986 girl's basketball season. Each entry lists the names of the individual plaer and the complete scores. Coach notes of the game are provided alongside the game played between Chicopee and their opponent. The…
Official Scorebook for the 1983 - 1984 girl's varsity Basketball season. Each entry lists the names of the players and the complete scores and coaches notes of the game between Chicopee and the opposing team. The 1983 - 1984 season was Coach…
The Official Scorebook of the 1982 - 1983 girl's varsity basketball season. The current entry lists the names of the players and the complete scores and coach notes of the game played between Chicopee and the opposing team. The 1982 - 1983 season was…
Official Scorebook of the 1981 - 1982 girl's basketball season. Each entry lists the names of the players and the complete scores and coaches notes of the game played between Chicopee and their opponent. The 1981 - 1982 season was a championship…
Official Scorebook of the 1980-1981 girl's basketball season. Each entry lists the names of the players and the complete scores and coaches notes of the game played between Chicopee and their opponent. The 1980 -1981 season was a championship season…